In 1820 the Buenos Aires government, which had declared its independence from Spain in 1816...

>In 1820 the Buenos Aires government, which had declared its independence from Spain in 1816, proclaimed its sovereignty over the Falklands. In 1831 the U.S. warship Lexington destroyed the Argentine settlement on East Falkland in reprisal for the arrest of three U.S. ships that had been hunting seals in the area. In early 1833 a British force expelled the few remaining Argentine officials from the island...

Wtf, why do angloids always lie and say Argentina never had any presence on las Malvinas?

Attached: 1644253457909.webm (720x720, 550.39K)

Other urls found in this thread:ís

anglojews are evil and you should never trust them, ever

More like Las Malpenis

>n 1831 the U.S. warship Lexington destroyed the Argentine settlement on East Falkland in reprisal for the arrest of three U.S. ships that had been hunting seals in the area.

>U.S. warship Lexington destroyed the Argentine settlement on East Falkland in reprisal for the arrest of three U.S. ships that had been hunting seals in the area
Why are Amerimutts such aggressive animals?

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They called us crazy...

The world will not see peace until the Anglo Menace is destroyed.
Our mexican brothers will soon finish their Reconquista and take over the United States, while the UK becomes indian/paki.
I hope to live the day when the Malvinas get handed back to its rightful owner, Argentina.


I think that Argentina will try to take the Falklands again with Chinese backing. It's why China is trying to sell them new fighter jets so aggressively. Argentina and China both hate Anglos for actions in the last few centuries. China can give Argentina a bunch of new weapons and Argentina is mad enough to actually use them. This would both cement Chinese influence in the region, empowering LATAM politicians to consider China over the west, AND it would also allow China to show the west (more importantly the AUKUS nations) that it's weapons are capable standing against modern high end western militaries in an air and naval conflict, and that if they can hold a place like the Falklands, they could hold a place like Taiwan.

Attached: JF17 for Argentina.jpg (1451x728, 200.78K)

USA isn't Anglo. It's Mutt Devil that corrupts, and to stop it, all the world must unite, because even with our efforts, Mexicans living there are being corrupted by the Mutt.

>to consider
we all know that you're traitors who want China to take over the world, that's why we voted for Trump.

Just gib money and islands and we won't ally with China

Argentina doesn't have the balls, the economy, the military, or even the will to try to take the Falklands again

>you're traitors
I don't like China and why would people in foreign countries be loyal to the US?

don't care

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Probablemente porque vivimos a tu lado.

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They barely did most of its history is Anglo.

Holy shit.I am Chinese but this level of boot licking is pathetic.

The Chuckland Islands stand resolute, a territory of the British crown!

Attached: chuckland war.png (1068x1296, 1.21M)

I will always respect my Anglo pals.

Respetaré a mis amigos ingleses para siempre

Americans really think South America owes them something, when the US fucking us over with coups and dictators is the reason South America is such a shithole.

Good excuse for Chile to get the F35.

Attached: F35-para-chile.jpg (718x446, 110.29K)

Are those Argentinians in the webm

Yes, it's just hard to tell because they're not wearing football jerseys and there isn't Simpsons graffiti in the background.

Attached: homero argentina.png (550x400, 270.98K)

i'm talking about Latin American immigrants to the US, they are two-faced.

>the US fucking us over with coups and dictators is the reason South America is such a shithole.

I'm going to be real, it probably isn't. The region was never particularly well governed, stable, or democratic. The US just chose the most powerful non-communist factions in every country and backed them to prevent the communists from rolling the region the way they did with East Asia. In Costa Rica and Venezuela, those were democratic governments. Everywhere else, it was the military.

I'm not a Latin American migrant to the US and you called me a traitor. You just sound like a retarded Trump fellator.

Mmmm sorry sweetie, did you miss the memo that Chile is abolishing its armed forces?

Attached: Screenshot_20220209-215349_Vivaldi.jpg (1080x2220, 910.7K)

so you're a 21 year old college student who just learned about geopolitics, then. just as, if not more, dangerous to this country.

USA nearly always sides with the anglo devil.

Never forget, steals land and fills it with pajeets.ís

Attached: US_and_UK_following_Britain's_agreement_to_go_to_arbitration_in_1896.jpg (378x333, 33.91K)

Seriously though why the FUCK are argoids so fixated on a pair of cragged rocks that offer nothing of actual value?

>I am Chinese

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Arbenz in Guatemala was a Swiss German and he tried installing a market based welfare state like what Scandinavian nations did and we overthrew him and caused a civil war simply because his reforms caused standards of living to jump dramatically over night and thus wages too, so Guatemalans were starting to get acceptable incomes which made US owned fruit plantations extremely unprofitable. That shit was just a blatant act of overthrowing a government because it was making wages too high for private US firms to exploit locals. Probably the worst thing we've done in LATAM. At one point the CIA tried to say he was a Nazi solely because there was a picture of him in a stahlhlem, which was the type of helmet Guatemala used at the time.

Attached: Arbenz-Guatemala.jpg (400x398, 69.97K)

Because it makes grubby brownoids like you seethe.


Yeah, Guatemala was fucked up.

Where we really went wrong is abandoning the good neighbor policy in favor of militarized containment. But by the mid 60s, it was a self perpetuating cycle of commie rebels, military juntas, and the US being forced to choose between communism and banana republics.

>USA nearly always sides with the anglo devil.
We fucked up deciding to align with the Brits again instead of remaining staunch French allies.

Attached: france chad 54.png (215x144, 31.9K)

Makes no difference to me chingchong. It's simply bewildering.

Why was the US so butt blasted when Russia wanted to put some missiles in Cuba?
Guess what, nobody likes foreign military bases from warmonger countries on their doorstep.

And if there's one word to describe the UK and the US, it's warmonger.

Pretty much this. Again it all comes down to us losing our morality for the interests of faceless globohomo corporations. Even back then we were warned. Our actions in Guatemala are largely what made Eisenhower start looking into it.

Attached: eisenhower.png (1052x868, 628.21K)


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Who's going to go to war with argentina? It's easier for glowies to train and pay some caudillo to do it. Nobody even does shit there but herd sheep. And why did they try to invade the south georgia islands?

US never had principles other than if I want it it's mine. That some individual leaders like grant might try to redress these things doesn't change that.

>In 1831 the U.S. warship Lexington destroyed the Argentine settlement on East Falkland
l love you America