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Do you think Africa will be developed enough to slow them down from pooping out babies?

They'll need a place to live

Bros aware me where I can find a top quality non-homophobic black male without rapper mentality? I want one

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wont be anytime soon

>aware me
turn off your vpn

The future looks bright for women of all races

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Africa’s population will not continue growing at the rate that it is right now. Also India and China have outnumbered European populations for centuries. What has that led to?

The Blasian century comeths. All this time we thought Latinos would be the future, or Hapas. We were way off. Blasian will be the mix to rule them all. FUCK

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Thank god I'll be dead long before this happens inshallah

>Africa’s population will not continue growing
Nigga it has been growing for decades now, with no sign of stopping, even if it were to slow down, it would still outgrow other continents outside of Asia x10

And that's a good thing, every woman in this world needs to have a BLACK boyfriend. I just hope my BLACK brothers let me date a BLACK QUEEN.

they will run out of resources eventually

>this is why i can't stop being a racist.

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how are they growing if they are starving? it don't make sense

It's old bodybuilding.com speak

>Nigga it has been growing for decades now, with no sign of stopping
Africa is a continent made up of multiple countries with their own unique projections. Countries like Rwanda, Senegal, and Ethiopia have seen large population booms, but have evened out as the countries become more urbanized/liberal. Countries like Nigeria and the Congo are booming sure, but eventually their rates of industrialization will catch up to them, and they’ll be forced to adapt to a new lifestyle. Every country in the history of the world that has industrialized has gone on to see large population booms, and then a decline in birth rates. The only concern with many African countries is their refusal to adopt feminism, and regulating women to solely baby making status without rights to contraception. If they don’t adapt, the population may actually keep on growing until their infrastructure can hardly support it.

black bros..

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People in poverty have more children. Also less reliance on modern technology = more focus on human interactivity thus sex. It doesn't matter who is dying or starving or being killed. They will replace the dead with children. It's also a fact that people born in poverty are stronger than the wealthy, they will endure whatever hardship simply because generations have been bred that way

>they will run out of resources eventually
Like China did? You’re a fucking retard lol, how scarce do you think resources are in Africa? New human capital to maintain the society will only increase production.

I wonder why the imaginative anglos havent thought of training sharks in Gibraltar to raide the Strait as policemen in search of BBC

they got too cocky

>nice sidewalk in affluent region in a white country vs random dump that is probably in the poorest region of a black country
Once you actually go out to see the world and become more informed about things, it becomes stupidly easy to pick apart this retarded propaganda. I can’t believe I was so gullible that stuff like this actually influenced my ideology.

Right looks like meds without nordic leaders the more med the region is, the more it looks like

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>people in poverty
how come americans have so few child then?

anime conventions


I’m right here

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The one on the right is better since it facilitates breeding

>Africa will be developed


calm down pablo nobody is taking away your shitty food and bloated women

we got too cocky

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China spending trillions as we speak installing infrastructure, funny thing is, despite Euro investment we never actually saw the development, now we are with the Chinese involved. What changed I wonder.

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Because Euros did more harm than help. Similar to what was done in Latin America, they helped criminals get elected into power because it benefited them. So few of "euro money" actually went into the people's hands as much as it did helping criminal politicians

wypipo b like:

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