/dixie/ - Southern US & friends

Brisket edition.

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Guinguette sub edition

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i thought we could share the grim nostalgia of french lower middle class together but i guess not

I'm going to move from Georgia to Virgina in a few years.
>cheaper land
>more rural (western half)
>closer proximity to more states
>further away from Florida and south Carolina
what's the downside?

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>what's the downside?

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My parents had posher tastes than their actual budget, well my dad had a factory worker/miner background so 100% prolo but my mum is unironically from Versailles

I did go to Quick a lot tho

I don't understand user please I need to know the downsides

Close to D.C.

They didn't really have towns

Virginia didn’t really have towns; the Chesapeake Bay was such a giant maze of rivers and estuaries and waterways that there wasn’t much need for land transport hubs. Instead, the unit of settlement was the plantation, which consisted of an aristocratic planter, his wife and family, his servants, his slaves, and a bunch of guests who hung around and mooched off him in accordance with the ancient custom of hospitality.

Virginian recreation mostly revolved around hunting and bloodsports. Great lords hunted deer, lesser gentry hunted foxes, indentured servants had a weird game in which they essentially draw-and-quartered geese, young children “killed and tortured songbirds”, and “at the bottom of this hierarchy of bloody games were male infants who prepared themselves for the larger pleasures of maturity by torturing snakes, maiming frogs, and pulling the wings off butterflies. Thus, every red-blooded male in Virginia was permitted to slaughter some animal or other, and the size of his victim was proportioned to his social rank.”

Their homicide rate was sky-high, and people were actively encouraged to respond to slights against their honor with duels (for the rich) and violence (for the poor). They were obsessed with gambling, and “made bets not merely on horses, cards, cockfights, and backgammon, but also on crops, prices, women, and the weather”. Their cuisine focused on gigantic sumptuous feasts of animals killed in horrible ways.

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>killed and tortured songbirds

Based and Ortolan-pilled

Tfw visiting that great aunt from Verdun who still went on rants against the Germans in 2005

What did they do this time?

yeah that, but I don't plan on setting foot anywhere to the east of the red line

sounds like it can't be true but I doubt it's fake. eh, I'll be okay

German grandma still hates Russians

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Invaded and occupied France in 1940 while she was still young
Till her death decades later she still complained to me about the "boches" (krauts) even though I had no idea what it was

That side of the state is nice but DC... Still too close.

I'd rather be near DC but in a demographically nice place than further away from DC and in Georgia. plus when I move I fully intend of raising chickens and cows, farming and trying to be as self sustaining as possible. I'll be fine

Ahhh ok.

not very evropean all that

Just move to West Virginia.