What are Arabs like in your country?

What are Arabs like in your country?

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Nevr met any



How can you Look at this and tell me they don't deserve physical abuse

dogs are haram straight to hell u go

You deserve physical abuse

A pet dog is haram

To maintain a dog within ones dwelling is considered haram because they are filthy creatures, to have one as protector of land is allowed however

huskies are giant pussies, they literally cannot protect shit

>dogs are haram
For me a religion has never went from indifferent to terrible 0/10 as fast as islam

I like playing video games and watching anime on occasion. I don't care for working, but I'll do what needs to be done to make ends meet. I love guns and love the 2nd amendment since it allows me to exercise my hobby. :)

theyre built for bbc

Muslim women are the most cucked beings on this planet. Even their own religion belittles them in every form and way. They have to follow all these degrading rules like inheriting less, obligated to cover entire body, beaten for refusing sex, lack of human rights, hadiths claiming women's mind is deficient, and still they make up a majority in hell (bukhari:3241) lmao

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They usually sit with each other. I keep to myself.

kill yourself

dogs are ok, just don't let them in a room for prayer

Meanwhile in Indian colleges

Attached: muslim hijabi.webm (414x436, 817.79K)

Reading comprehension nigga. Plus what he described isn't the only scholarly opinion, Maliki's believe this only applies to wild or feral dogs.

Nobody cares nowadays