What are Asian Americans like?

What are Asian Americans like?

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Konichiwa dude!

This guy's so neurotic. Why doesn't he have a personality outside of his racial oppression?

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>tfw no tight asian pussy

Attached: ss (2019-06-04 at 01.28.12).jpg (365x318, 50.56K)

So tight and docile


Because he’s making money off it

Pretty autistic


Do Asian Americans identify as white or at least adopt white attitude?

Yes, I am fully assimilated with the culture since I was born here, my parents are also assimilated since they were born here as well. The grandparents are semi-assimilated on some things but not everything.

They should just drop all the dumb prefixes and call everyone American

Good boy

But how would that make media and corporations money?


True. They are almost all monstrosities.

Attached: 1644365988591.webm (640x360, 2.62M)

For me it's Taiwan.

I hope China nukes that american satellite asap


engaging in the victim olympics is the strongest indicator for successful intergration into US culture
