What's the general consensus on hapas in you're country?

What's the general consensus on hapas in you're country?

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She makes me feel very uncomfortable

none, its a non issue and they barely exist. as for my opinion, i believe theyre the future of EVROASIA since yt pipo are too retarded to breed

i hate ccp

There are zero (0) hapas in my country so i dont know

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Too Finnish looking?

Uhh???? Only BIPOC are allowed to say yt, sweetie.

Yeah dude, I also hate cp, what a gross thing that is.

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oh you poor poor child. dont you see my FLAG?!?!?! poles are BLACK my dear fingolian friend

She is but it's not that. She looks really hypersexual. Like she could fuck a room full of guys and not get enough.


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There are not many here (or anywhere I guess), and since their asian parents come from many different countries they don't have a common identity. My cousins are Lao-French hapas tho. You couldn't tell without seeing them they're hapas, they speak and act exactly like white kids. We'll see if it causes identity problems or whatever when they grow up.

She's just bubbly you shut in autist.

sex and mutt them more
such is the soviet grindset iNSHALLAH

there was like 5 hapas in my highschool graduating class kek i pretty much see them as white people

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I've never seen an Asian in my country


