And this years nobel piece price goes to

And this years nobel piece price goes to...

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europoor education

Pic unrelated

Ikke ham

...Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin.

>Orbán goes to Moscow and sits at the long table
>Nobody cares
>2 days later
>Macron does the same
>Whole internet loses its mind
Why has the EU institutionalized Hungarophobia?

Because Hungary has institutionalized irrelevance.

Should be me in all honesty

...Henry Kissinger again!

What did Kissinger even do nobel prize worthy?

There are great women behind every great man

not sure what you mean, it's common knowledge now that jean-michel trogneux is a man

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Do foreigners really care about this?

>piece price

Attached: monkiez.jpg (680x450, 33.04K)


Does the average Frenchman believe this?

No, only the ones who aren't blind or retarded, which makes up only about 10% of the French population, unfortunately

Attached: 1639421281425.jpg (950x1425, 99.53K)

No, only the ones who are blind or retarded.

He's pre-op too, obviously something between his legs is bothering him

Attached: FK0rbCDWQAARKzS.jpg (1764x958, 536.8K)

aaaaaaaaaaa it's evil jon townsend

Attached: townsend pog.jpg (640x640, 35.65K)

There are few countries on earth more irrelevant and meaningless than Hungary