This is me when I see an anglo

This is me when I see an anglo

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He's such a larper

Me when I see anyone who isn't turkish or black

what martial art is that

Hvorfor louis cachet sa homse?

Looks like really bad Karate

That's me when i see a spic ppic (including Spain & Portugal)

level 7 monk +2 dexterity

he's such a retard

Euronymous deserved it

Guess he just watched a Bruce Lee movie or something, probably fell asleep halfway. Like what the hell is that half assed boxer pose. When he's bouncing he's pretty much square on and open, limp hands at his waist, dude would get wrecked.

varg looks like my grandpa

exactly my thoughts
what is he trying to show?

My favorite snownigger

Jørgen Jitsu

Why's he fucking around with dumb kicks? He's an incomparable master of armed vs unarmed combat anyway

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Varg Bard/Druid multiclass. High WIS Low INT. Literal definition of a based retard

It does look like he's imitating Bruce Lee top kek

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Varg is retarded in real life stuff but his music is very good. He is a creative savant.

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on the contrary only enlightened gentlemen like myself can understand his intricate web of lies that lies within the subtext of his 280 digit morsels of wisdom he shares with the subaltern

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Young Varg looked like an elf.

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Dude lives the dream as far as most ex and current poltards see things, and I mean that in the most positive way possible.

He's still had more sex than any of us ever will

Will the French government try to make him get the (((((((((((((vaccine)))))))))))))))

I love him so much bros

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