American whites used to look like THIS

American whites used to look like THIS

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Perfect phenotype imo

Did you know Brooke Shields did a playboy photoshoot?


Don't do it

She's not white.

wtf I just googled how did they print this? mods this is censored no bannerino pls

Attached: 22528759_1867537103262698_7510655739725263701_o.jpg (1100x1480, 214.54K)

What the

>this is censored
yeah tell that to the judge

Attached: 1367258246351.gif (450x402, 838.97K)

Bro it shows up in google images everywhere

Pre-internet America was wild, man. You could print child porn and rock stars had sex with 12 year old girls and nobody gave a fuck.

>ban a boy's body

If they are not white, neither are we. Jeniffer conelly looks like a cousin of mine, but with a lighter eye color

post cousin

I believe that to be a bad idea desu

It was ruled as art. Like how you see statues and painting of nude children in museums. I don't disagree with the opinion, because I think people are too alarmist nowadays, but these pictures were for sure borderline porn with it being in playboy and all.

in they past (((they))) didnt have to hide it because there was no internet to spread illegally the magazines pages, it was limited to the people who would buy it

>neither are we

I mean ye no problem with art. But playboy? lmao come on user

wtf I hate white pypo now

>I mean ye no problem with art. But playboy? lmao come on user
It was actually in an affiliate magazine of playboy, called Sugar and Spice, if what I've read is correct. Although that name isn't any better lmao. And it wasn't illegal at the time, there were no or little child obscenity laws before the 1980s. You can still find the uncensored photos on google, not telling you to go look but keep in mind they are not illegal. She's prepubescent and her body looks exactly like a boy's. Not very sexy at all imo. Like I said it's more of an alarmist thing to call it porn. Anybody that's attracted to kids wouldn't stop being attracted to kids no matter what they're wearing. I wouldn't want kids being in sexy nude photo shoots but it's not the end of the world if you see a nude kid in an exhibit of art, that's photo, or film, or painting.

Ye I have no problem with nudity, but playboy and sugar and spice sounds bad you know? Even if it's not porn. Nudity is natural, but for playboy... lmao.