Explain yourselves, britbongs!!

Explain yourselves, britbongs!!

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Left is what we have here as well

snickers is better

Attached: snickers.jpg (395x527, 23.36K)

Mars bars are only good when deep fried

Attached: 666.jpg (1024x666, 409.59K)

>american smarties aren't made of chocolate

Attached: 25bec8a4bfcdf36ad67e2678bb90e876--canada-funny-canada-humor.jpg (736x467, 57.14K)

what the fuck

Galaxy chocolate is called Dove in the USA too.

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>American company makes retarded products
>American demands an explanation from different countries

what does american mars look like

The mars bar was made by an American you tard

Ive never seen these things in my life

why do we have a different font

Attached: mars.jpg (1320x1080, 373.82K)

Do people unironically eat this shit? Do you buy them individually each time you want to eat one? Do you buy a big bag and them carry some of them around and arbitrarily decide to eat one at some random point of the day? Or maybe just buy a bunch and eat all of them at once by yourself while watching TV alone?
I literally can't understand what goes through the head of someone who thinks that even buying it is a good idea in the first place.

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I buy milky way when I'm feeling nostalgic, and a snickers once in a blue moon.
It's just sweets man, chill


Yea believe it or not people buy and eat candy. I know I know.

It's just I don't understand who to include them in your eating routine. You can buy ice-cream or cake to have it as dessert but what are those chocolate bars good for?
Sorry for the autism btw I know I'm the weird one.

>who to include them in your eating routine.
Typically most people don't. But sometimes you have this urge to eat something sweet with tea.
Snickers also has lots of calories so sometimes you can use it as a meal in a pinch.

united statians are in the wrong here desu

and Brits call Americans fat

shite. yanks can keep it.

Better not eat any of this crap, guys. Stay healthy.