10 million in France

>10 million in France
>1 million in spain
>1 million in Belgium
>1,2 million in Italy
>600k in the netherlands
>300k in germany
>300k in England

How will we stop them ?

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We'll kick them out of our countrie-ACK!

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Riyad Mahrez

Riyad Mahrez from winning the champions league I think

million in France
You are joking, right?

You can't. Its over. And soon it you will grow a cucklod fetish out of it and go out of your way to pay them just to say it infront of your eyes while he is fucking your wife

do Belgian girls get together with them?
if not, I'll take one Belgian gf pls

>How will we stop them ?
You don't. You just can't cure low IQ and have low impulse control. God I hate my subhuman race so much. Wherever we go, we cause problems and turn the place into a shithole. Even here the nafri diaspora is consuming a lot of french nafri content and they're starting to adopt this subhuman thug attitude. I'm going to the US as soon as I finish my studies. Maghrebis can't talk english for shit so I think I will be alright.

Just call Chechens

true they are at least half of the french population by now


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>10 million in France

10 million in Portugal too

It can't be stopped anymore

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they actually were scared when nafris came with their guns and then made peace at the mosque

More like 50 millions, south frenchies already look like nafris

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Bro at least 80% bro I saw it on Any Forums bro


Yeah for some reasons Chechens are as subhuman as nafri and Albanian. They should all be killed. and as the the Belgian said when the Algerians retaliated with firearms, the Chechens pussied out.


Unfortunately this. Even here we're turning Quebec into a shithole. I hate my people so much.


Kill yourself first gypo

I'm nafri too don't worry khoya
>t. moroccan diaspora

A new era is coming

The long awaited Revenge is now in its first stages

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Ya a gypsy. Don’t associate Albanians with your headchoppers.

We blacks have your back

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