I'm literally never going to escape this

I'm literally never going to escape this

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Can your daughter escape paki cock?

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Reminder that Britons and Britain trounce Sudan in every conceivable metric. Reminder that the average Britons by definition cannot suffer

It would be irresponsible to have children in this hellhole


Why are Canadians like this?

The girls suffer getting ravaged in every hole by pakis

Attached: UK-grooming-gangs.png (941x481, 212.5K)

Many sudanese come here as refugees, dont work and just get gibs and state housing for having 8 kids

Sudanis do not even suffer

Just trying to raise awareness about the grooming gang """problem""" (which ordinary Brits don't seem to care about)

Aren't there any rural areas in bongland? I would die internally from living in an urban concrete hell.

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So do Somalis, I hear they collaborate with the pakis and form even larger grooming gangs

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cheer up it isnt so bad haha

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You think so?

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kick them out or force them to pay their dues
its genuinely heartwrenching watching entry-level unskilled jobs pay more in a month than I receive in a year

>entry level unskilled jobs

Many just get unemployment benefits

have you done anything to escape it?

He's chinese

Just become rich bro


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London is possibly the best city in the world. I'm sick of seeing this fucking thread

Those English girls who got """"groomed"""" will later marry anti-immigration, working class men who have no idea their wife was a slut for fat paki cocks

Massive cope

London is grim as fuck unless you are a zillionaire in whivh case it is a nice place to spend a month or two in summer - max