Do men still smoke pipes in your country?

Do men still smoke pipes in your country?

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Game of thrones is trash normie bait.

What'd the deleted tweet say?

didn't ask, and it's not even the point, retard.

because he saw that the reason his daughter made up an excuse for him not to watch the show is because she played a naked WHORE in it

Have sex incel


well she was pretty qt in the show so he should be happy

>your WHORE daughter was cute even though she WHORED herself for millions of people; you should be happy your daughter is a WHORE

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You will never have sex

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my gf is 17 and you're a seething incel


showing skin isn't the same as having sex

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showing skin is not the same as WHORING OUT
which is what she did

he should be proud of his daughter giving me a fully TAUT and ENGORGED 20cm stiffy

are you sure? because there is no evidence of that




She has perfect tits, I love that scene.

Game of Thrones was trash


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