there was a time when asians would strike fear in wypipos' hearts

> there was a time when asians would strike fear in wypipos' hearts

What happened asianbros

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look at the hazara in afghanistan, they are basically second class citizens

What show/movie?

Have you seen how anglos lose their shit when china is mentioned? They go absolutely rabid. It's happening again.

Mutts are absolutely obsessed with the chinks.
Look how much money they put in to make anti-russian and anti-chink memes

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China is back to making them afraid.

Chinks also feared them

Russia has picked up the mantle of 'the yellow danger'

implying chinks don't make white pussies quiver 24/7

>i swear no i swear for real this time seriously it's gonna collapse this time habeeb me bro

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Boom headshot

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ironic how the mongols feared by russians ended up becoming russia's little bitch

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Yes, the Hakkapeliitta stroke fear in wypipo's hearts.

My favourite cope recently was someone here saying Evergrande and all the rest would collapse during the olympic games which would cause China so much shame that the people would turn on Xi.

Honestly, the stupidest fucking thing I've ever read.

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was he mutt

IDK about that

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>arrow from mongol shortbow doubly penetrating mail coif
Fucking idiotic, their usage from horseback meant the draw weight on their bows were notoriously low and their arrow tips were not suited to piercing armor the heavier european armor

t. Kevin Nguyen
Los Angeles, CA

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why do non-mongol asians ever try to brag about mongols
chances are they genocided 10 times more koreans, chinese, or any other asian group than they did wypipo
someone post that josh luna comic of genghis standing on a pile of dead europeans

were fucking scared thats why there stockpiling rockets

whitecel absolutely seething over here!

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>why do non-mongol asians ever try to brag about mongols
I don't, they're just the tip of the iceberg.

>they genocided 10 times more koreans, chinese
see pic

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