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science and religion are exactly the same thing how can you praise one but not the other lmao
both of them are extrapolating metaphysical claims based upon empirical observation.
millions of people claim to have seen/felt jesus
millions of people claim to have seen presence of an electron
neither of these things are proveable in any objective sense of the word

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hah jobs

hello world


bpd and ecstasy

Seems like every few days I match with a female on Tinder and Bumble who asks me if I get can get her drugs. :/ Grim what has happened to the apps the last few years

women get free passive income for posting pictures of themselves online and frame it as "needing 2 jobs to survive"



*hits blunt*

i want to be shredded but i also want to drink a cider and have a magnum. it's a conflict of desire that paleolithic man simply wouldn't have had to deal with. we've made life a constant struggle against temptation in order to achieve pointless goals.

Would post the absolute beast of a full english I had from the caf down the road this morning but I'm afraid it's doxable info


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tradies make 50k british dollars starting here and many earn 75k upwards
come to australia

Midwit take.

imageboard not linkboard

this show good?

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Tradies who can't work after X amount of years are retards who didn't take care of their body and ate shitty food every day after work. It's avoidable.
You can get insurance for that. Toolboxes have locks on them for a reason
Even renters insurance which is extremely cheap covers up to like 50k or something ridiculous in tools lmao

how so?

yeah it actually is

best country in the world for tradies
i kneel

I publicly apologise if I upset that girl last thread, unless you are one of the following women:

Aisha Miles, Sara Davidson, "Fatpheebs". Those types of women tried to ruin my life once, which encouraged me to work hard

Millions of people see the sun rise up in the sky and then disappear into the horizon. Would they be right in claiming that the sun revolves around them because that is what they see?

the new black country new road album is boring

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Blame their paypigs.

those alternative archetypes of women are very dangerous, basically a big warning unless you want to fuck up the next 5 years of your life imho

Not being funny but wew, that is a super beta male post. Imagine being that affected by female attention, positive or negative.

if whoring yourself out online was so easy and took no work, everyone would do it

get yourselves a nice hairdresser gf

>metaphysical claims
would help if you actually read what i wrote

>he doesn't turn off images because of freaks which do post porn and shock content here

This is shit bait and I can't believe I'm going to take it.
>science and religion are exactly the same thing
No they aren't.
>both of them blah blah blah extrapolating bullshit
Religion has literally no empirical observation outside of a few dubious claims about holy artifacts such as the shroud of Turin. hence the need for faith and threats of burning in hell.
>millions of people claim to have felt Jesus
Were they molested by a Mexican? That's the only way they'd feel any person named Jesus in any meaningful way
>millions of people claim to have seen the presence of an electron
Yes, and it's a lot easier and much more plausible to infer the existence of something via empirical evidence and data which heavily suggests it. A cosmic zombie Jew makes a lot less sense than electrons.
Pretty tempting, m8.

couldn't even finish it lol no idea how fantano can think it's a 9/10

Had a mate bring his schizo friend to mine while we did ketamine and he legit had a complete fucking psychotic break and go on this mad episode of talking to himself and saying mental shit like “kill, no, don’t make me, yes kill”

Literally thought schizos only behaved like that in movies. This guy also thinks we’re best fucking friends now and I’m trying everything I can to avoid him without making him schiz out on me, tucking stupid mate mentioned my upcoming birthday party and he text me asking what time and date as if he’s fucking invited and if I tell him he’s not I’m afraid he’ll literally kill me wtf

leftypol sucking a black willy
rorke thinking of black willies being sucked.

next time just write "did drugs"

So ignore everything else about science? Then shouldn't you be saying Metaphysics is the same as religion instead?

booked a massage in the thai place for friday after work

with all due respect if english is not your first language then maybe you shouldn't reply to my post, especially not in such a disparaging way.

that sounds nice
will they rub you feet?

yes lads love this science and religion chat. definitely glad it didn't get left in the last thread


you're gonna die mate haha

gf shagged her friend two days ago but still hasn’t taken the morning after pill

bit worried but apparently some are good for 3-5 days

this religioid seems VERY afraid that he’s about to get btfo by an indian

they do, for me its the scalp bit though

Anything good on netflix

electrons probably don’t exist mate, it’s just a model that can predict the outcome of experiments with relative accuracy. in 50 years they’ll be a different more accurate model.

just funged a token

Can ket be enjoyable by yourself? What should I do?

sounds like she’s not your gf then

gonna have a peek at /soc/. back in a sec

nah i encouraged her to do it

used to snapchat with twinks and slags from soc ages ago

My gf keeps shagging this black lad and it's starting to get on my nerves a bit. Reckon I should say something to her?

All my mates went to fucking extremely posh private schools one guy even went to Eton but I went to a shitty state comp

They tell me stories of doing coke and shit when they were like 15 and going on fucking yacht holidays

Wish I was rich lads

what do you get out of this arrangement


Got an email saying the gf bought this with my card on ASOS

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was he black?

soc is turbo normie central
literally a completely different segment of society
completely different state of mind
cannot even behind to comprehend how they perceive and interact with life, what brain chemistry they have

it’s like the equivalent of being on MD all the time, they’re actively seeking out human interaction while I avoid it,

bet they did really degenrate bent hazing stuff, do they ever tell you about that?

Going shop lads. Anyone want anything?

we did all that and we also did mega gay shit too. like unbeliveably gay shit (esp considering half of it happened at school when people were bored and sober). let's say it was rare a day went by when one lad didn't torment another guy by squeezing his cock and balls

pack of wine gums and some haribo

Have sex ffs

some soya milk please lad

it’s hot, simple as

They told me a story about this guy’s brother who went on holiday with his mates and they played soggy biscuit but didn’t have a biscuit so used this guy as the biscuit

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cucumber (thick) and some butter ta

slithering about the thread

back from /soc/ bit of a shithole that board

post 6th form parties usually involved lads being filmed sticking shit/having shit stuck up their arse

eating buttered cucumbers

Reckon Fat Pheebs gets pumped on the regular or is she below even that decrepit bar?

know a group of private school lads who went on a trip to holland and bought a dildo as a 'joke' then used it on a lad in the hotel later, basically anal rape

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Never getting the vaxx
Never watching squid game
Never rating cack country, poo road

what books do you think she reads?

She's a lesbian mate so I doubt it