How to combat bullying in europe?

how to combat bullying in europe?

Attached: White Boy Being Bullied Mercilessly by Middle Eastern Teenagers.webm (268x270, 2.6M)

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Don't say the n-word


did they just want him to DANCE???

do girls get horny when they see their bf bully other boys like this?

>g-get out of m-my country

Attached: 1643347115281.png (800x600, 375.88K)

You dont
When someone gets bullied, he becomes a better person when he grows up

Give them American gun laws. It'll sort itself out.

he will become a genocidal maniac


Yes women love violence. I had my first and only gf when I beat someone up in high school (he started it but she didnt know that).

If you get beaten up in front of your gf she will probably fuck or at least want to fuck the guy who beat you up. That's just how their primitive brains function

>he becomes a better person when he grows up
and then people will call him a neo-nazi

By that logic, blacks would be popular with women, but they are not.

I never noticed any bullying at any of my schools. Maybe it was happening and I just never witnessed it.

>he doesn't know

>middle eastern
they are russian you sand nword shrubhymen

just have a friend group
they pick on the stragglers

Only the ugliest girls are attracted to blacks, most girls know to stay away from them. They don't find violence attractive

you're right, but you're a virgin. why are you talking about women like it's your expertise?

he's been on the board for more than 10 hours shilling against blacks, you have to admire his tenacitY

Someone has to do it

didnt even notice that. just saw that he mentioned blacks out of the blue

Thug tyrone gets more pussy than some white nice guy cuck

Literally never happens

no offense bro but people have been anonymously shilling against blacks for the greater part of a decade and you still have an enormous insecurity towards the slightest positive representation of them. You remind me of the thin-skinned britwit

Call me when you do something beyond the safety of online anonymity

he's almost as insecure as that one brit who starts threads exclusively to shill. Although I am curious as to what type of Canadian (doesn't seem white)

While he was on his knees i would have put my dick out.
You know, as a bullying method. And then i would have pressed the tip against his lips and kept it there waiting for his reaction


Why is this turning me on

Attached: 1609224604328.jpg (410x357, 15.08K)

There really is no hope for Western Europe, is there?

Attached: 6ebf1e1de2dfaec4761a0234ba166f65.jpg (499x481, 29.13K)

they deserve it if they don't stand up for themselves

What's wrong with these subhumans and why the fuck is nobody doing anything? It's in Sweden isn't?

Let me enjoy my erection in peace

Attached: 1610531476352.png (306x306, 72.86K)

France and superior numbers. They never come alone.

>gets beat up for not wearing a mask
das rite ytboi

I never witnessed physical bullying.

Bullied people become violent bully back and often go to jail. Same with thing with boys abused during their youth.