Reminder that the GDL was a Slavic Belarusian state and modern Lithuanians are one of the first victims of Belarusian...

reminder that the GDL was a Slavic Belarusian state and modern Lithuanians are one of the first victims of Belarusian Slavic imperialism. Which is why Belarussians, Poles and Russians must pay reparations to Lithuanians for their continued Oppression. Ukrainians have to pay too for being ruthenian. Pay up, slav boi.

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pay up big boy

>Russians, Poles and Ukrainian

what's wrong? All colonists pay the ones they oppressed. Pay up, now, slav boi

Yeah sorry
This does not work for us

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His attempts at extorsion are "too fat", as in too retarded to be humorous

>Blackmailing non westerners with muh colonialism
Sorry user, not gonna work
They're not gay

they are completely justified
now pay up
slavs are the gayest people in the world

user, we got to be a colony too, so we paid our share. I'm talking about us Poles and Belarussians. Such is life on the Great European Plain with no natural borders except little rivers.

you were a colony for only 200 years
we were a colony for almost our entire existence
pay up, slav boi

>slavs are the gayest people in the world
I'm surprised desu

polish men are all femboys, don't you know?


Belarussians colonized Lithuania which is why it was called the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Don't try that, slav people never pay for their crimes

we wuz opressed i shiet

No, but now I do

Do you know Lithuanian savages killed nearly all of their jews by themselves. Even Nazis were disgusted by you when they saw your brutality and barbarity.

When will Lithuanians apalogize to the Jewish community and admit that Soviet occupation was deserved?

every colonist calls the people they oppress "savages"
when will you apologize?

>Soviet occupation was deserved?
Not expecting it from pole