UK Appreciation Thread

1-your country
2-In which way has the UK had an impact on your country?

Brits gave us: the first Metro line of Southamerica, one of the most extense railroads of Latinamerica, they would cover practically all Europe (pic related), sports of men such as Polo and Rugby

italians gave us: Peronism, anarchism, socialism, nepotism, corruption, a drunkard who destroyed this economy and sent us to war against England (Galtieri).

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What about france what about MUH HECKIN COUNTRY

Your country is an African nation

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Kicked the frenchies out of my country in the 1800s

Damn right it is

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argies praising us? is it reverse day?

Tuez-vous Chang.


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What did she mean by this?

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They gave us themselves to hate and wage proxy war against for about 2 centuries if not three.

1. Poland
2. They betrayed us in 1939 and indirectly destroyed our country and contributed to 6 million deaths.

Wtf is that map

shut the fuck up you ungrateful cretin
we should have left you to rot

they have the best rock bands

looks like our railroad network overlayed on a map of yurop
the majority of it was either built or financed by British companies at least during the early 20th century, until it was nationalized

im gae

Is it true that pakis have deflowered one million white virgins over forty years

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>we should have left you to rot

That's exactly what you did

Kek, England help us to destroyed the North Argentina, expelled argentinos to Patagónia, and we anexed this region in Parana, with a city created called Londrina, thanks to the help

You argentinians considered this war very traumatic know as Guerra del Brasil

Also Bongs use the Brazil, to you never anex Cisplatina as a part natural of Argentina, kek