My gf looks like an elementary school student but she is actually 27

My gf looks like an elementary school student but she is actually 27

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That's so crazy

Your people deserve the worst for the betrayal against China to lick amerikkkan balls

You do not have a gf

she will be blacked by me

This is one of the reasons I only date Asian women. Because I am 27 and look 18.

the dearest leader will take care of them

that's the point who the fuck wants old hags?

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If I'd shave my beard I'd look just like I did when I was 18. I was carded just few days ago when I bought some beers. I'm 37.

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I do! Im 23 and my lovely gf is 43

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I wonder how old is yours...

>36yo married woman

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>I suffer in Worst Korea

and her son

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lmao fucking gook

Yeah, she really does...

Shut the fuck up human trash . How fucking dare to human subhuman monkey

Shut up subhuman insect. So annoying