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Other urls found in this thread:


me on the left

but i'm not on reddit

would appreciate it you fellas could reply to my sexy girl webm in this thread cheers

mad how some people take an entire fucking hour or more just to EAT dinner

>nooo you have to do what everyone else is doing!! conform!! conform!!!!!!
cookie cutter wimps

Nah, I'm a phone poster

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ever since I actually made """"cool"""" friends I've realised that 99% of the time they're just jacking off alone in their room watching anime too. who would've thought

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enjoy the tranner discussion please continue thanks



looks a bit like lincoln when hes gaunt

I'm not that kind of doctor but it literally is a cosmetic elective surgery
they could have just learned to live with the face they have like most other ugly cis and trans people

>So user, who is your favourite Xman? I like Cyclopes!

What do?

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I like girls who aren't fat

These types of people "I know all" are so pathetic. They act like they want to "help", but instead they just want to showcase how "smart" they are.

janny are you okay, are you okay janny?
janny are you okay, are you okay, are you okay janny?
*grabs dick*
*360 degree twist*

This is why girls don't like you, homo

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Just had to submit an essay by 11:59. The file submission form fucked up and it didn’t upload until 12:00. I am FUMING right now.


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literal child

vapid internet browsing vs vapid sex
ugh if only i could have one over the other

did the ol' anal with the gf (her anus not mine LOL)
outstanding lack off poo poo on her part well done my beauty


whats going on here lads

t. 60kg runt that eats 2 crackers and a can of tuna for dinner

mcaffee just short circuited the entire victorian power grid for even daring to hover my mouse near this link

its a fat andrea botez

virus do not click

You will never be young again, you will never again know the feeling of putting your dick in its prime into some fresh pussy. You’re old and washed up, you have nothing to look forward to, it’s all downhill from here my friend.

Want the missus to dress up like this and do this to me, tbqh

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I am the king of the fairies

wolverine obv

Alright Cody
You upset because you're not old enough to buy beer in yankland yet?