My Asian girlfriend has a very submissive personality, both in bed and in real life

My Asian girlfriend has a very submissive personality, both in bed and in real life.

I was told this was only a stereotype and all Asian girls are actually furious and cunning. What do?

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Marry her and buckle up.

you think the marriage will change her?

get prenup

Why would I do that? She's rich af

One day when you’re fucking, fake a psychotic episode or something. Start screaming violent obscenities and beat her up. Do that every time you fuck but treat her like you always did in other situations
Bitches love it trust me

Probably. Nobody getting married goes into it expecting a divorce. People change. You get to know the real person when you live with them and spend almost every waking moment with them.

yeah but it sounded like she's hiding her personality and it'll come out only when we got married

Will fuck your gf and your hapa children :)

What nationality is she this time? Korean?
You're replying seriously to ikibey

Sorry sir, wont happen again

No, she's Chinese. Also she's real, I posted her picture before


Marry her in Japan, they dont recognize no-fault divorce

> My Chinese gf: "Baobei, Why are we flying to Japan to marry?"

> "It's because their divorce law is much more advanced than your country's"

Dude, run.
People here idealize submissive Asian girls, but that’s how they get you. It’s their whole game. I speak from experience.
Stage 1
>your gf seems cute and chill. Sex is amazing and you have a great time together. It feels like you hit the jackpot. Usually lasts for a year or less.
Stage 2
>your gf will start becoming clingier. She will get upset over minor things and then cry about it, expecting you to apologize because she is sensitive and passive. Still, she is cute af and the sex is still great. She has you now.
Stage 3
>Your gf will start wanting you to change your habits. You’ve been dating for a year and a half now so it’s time to start thinking about marriage, she says. Then she demands it. She will also turn into the queen of jealousy. God forbids you even talk to another female. You’ll start lying to her about things just so she doesn’t get upset. You can’t remember the last time you had a nice and light hearted conversation. You don’t even want to love her anymore, but you do. She knows that, so she won’t change.
>Stage 4
Final chance: break up or live as her slave.

Ikibey pls this is the 5th time you've made this thread

You should posting about her on Any Forums everyday and fixating on her being an asian woman, and focus more on improving yourself if you care about her.

I think you should end it (your life)

But my girlfriend doesn't make me feel bad about spending time with female friends and doesn't try to change me, so I'm sure it's fine

Ich glaub mittlerweile weiß jeder, dass deine Freundin Schlitzaugen hat und du kannst aufhören ständig darüber zu posten.

wow, racist much?

>live as her slave.
god i wish
