Post rare instances of based Germans

Post rare instances of based Germans

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inb4 hitler

he is the most cringe German

Actually this man was the reason why such abominations like Hitler or Pr*ssia appeared in history. I wish Luther had been never born, he destroyed a perfect (catholic) Europe.

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Seethe harder tradcath larpers.

The Reformation was sorely needed and was overall one of the best things that could've happened in Europe and I say this as someone who was raised as a Cathocuck.

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Prussia became a thing because Zygmunt Stary was too much of a sissy to crush the Prussian menace once and for all and offered them fiefdom instead
Not German

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The greatest looser german after Hitler, also ruined my country economy

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>Prussia became a thing because Zygmunt Stary was too much of a sissy to crush the Prussian menace once and for all and offered them fiefdom instead

If not for the protestant idea of kings independent from the Pope the Prussia would have never been secularized under Hohenzollerns and sooner or later it would have been annexed by Poland.

>Reformation was sorely needed and was overall one of the best things that could've happened

It literally pushed Europe into centuries of wars, chaos and bloodshed, also the most horrible ideas were born in protestant societies (like Pr*ssia/Germany)

He wasn't even German. His roots were Flemish and French.

How wasn't he German?

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this desu. shame the papacy was too fucking retarded and corrupt to reform


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>If not for the protestant idea of kings independent from the Pope the Prussia would have never been secularized under Hohenzollerns
I'm eager to hear how you'd explain absolutism in Catholic France and the fact that in our own country absolutism was propped up by Jesuit advisers of Sigismund III Vasa and opposed by protestant nobility
>It literally pushed Europe into centuries of wars, chaos and bloodshed
Based, peace and unity are not valuable in and of themselves but only if they lead to a more truthful life

Much more Iberian than French, and most nobles were mutts anyway.

>create a diplomatic system that can only explode in a european war with millions of victims
i dont know hans

>>create a diplomatic system that can only explode in a european war with millions of victims
this is such a laughably retarded take, only /his/tards are able to come up with it in their anti-German obsession.

Do Austrians count?

Only happened because the people that came after him weren't as diplomatically savy, can't blame Bismarck for that

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I'm inclined to say yes but also no because I think I know who you have in mind

A German Astronaut, born in Germany

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yeah i can, if i build a complex machinery that's going to explode as soon as i stop operating it, it's still my fault if said machinery inevitably explode as soon as i die

nobody posted yet..lmao

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Bismarck's system of alliances wasn't complex. It was literally just an alliance with Russia and Austria-Hungary. You spergs are so desperate to paint everything German bad, you're completely delusional.

He once said in an interview that the Earth is flat lol

Leopold II, Margrave of Austria.

>It literally pushed Europe into centuries of wars, chaos and bloodshed, also the most horrible ideas were born in protestant societies (like Pr*ssia/Germany)
Europe was already full of war and chaos before Luther was born. Prussia was also already a thing before the Reformation and if you're the tradcath Polish schizo that ascribes anything good about Germany to Catholicism then I'm sure you know about the Nazis Bavarian origins.

That's retarded

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