Yfw meet neo-monarchists

>yfw meet neo-monarchists
Do it happen in your country?

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Yes I'm neet and I'm neo-feudalist buy I want to be part of the aristocratic elite that doesn't have to work

Aristocrats didnt work but their duty was protection (wars), the biggest honour was to die in yhe battelefield, france got ride of the monarchy because in the end they were all degenerates faggots

Yes, I can understand it as long as they do not support the Savoia.

As always, aristocracy is bound to be degenerated.

I’ve actually unironically met a lot of them; more than you’d think. Met a dude at work prior to covid that frequented this corner of the internet and he was an ancap originally who then became a monarchist. He then told me about another guy that worked in a different department that was also into this esoteric political crap and turns out he was a monarchist too. The three of us in addition to a couple other guys from work went out to lunch a few times where we discussed various political ideologies and current events. Such is life being a zoomer in America during a politically turbulent time. I still occasionally talk to one of the guys and he has since become a white nationalist.
>inb4 larp
Swear to God and on my mother’s life that all of what I said is true.

everyone is a monarchist here

Just make the aristocrat always wage wars like the Romans did
the reason why the french monarchy and Rome collapsed was because both stopped fighting wars. The day the Americans stop too they'll collapse in less than a decade.

>Who'd be the monarch? Me of course

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>here's your king bro

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he's kinda based tbqh

Even waging wars is not enough, in order for aristocracy to really be the rule of the best it should have some kind of meritocracy inside the already proven noble families. Otherwise you'll always end up with degenerated royals.

he should go easy on the couscous

Fighting wars should help with that, the retards die or end up in infamy and their family loses power and influence.

brazil was born as a monarchy
there is no brazil without the IMPERADOR
our republic is a masonic-francophile abomination
our republicans played la marseillaise in the streets; fags without question
also brazil is the fifth empire prophesied by daniel in the bible and in the writings of padre antonio vieira

>the retards die or end up in infamy
Of course that works, until they stay in the castle all day and don't even see battle, which they inevitably do. The root problem is the dichotomy of strong men creating weak men through their care.

It Just Works

Nobles fought on the front lines until after the French revolutionary wars let the genie of mass recruitment out of the bottle and very one else had to adapt.

>tfw ancap to monarchism pipeline is real
>tfw you realize monarchism is the most stable governance system and is the foundation upon which all the other effective and prosperous governments are built

It's an abstract kind of feel

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no, but I wish it did

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I'm a monarchist, dont know about "neo". Democracy keeps failing. Not just in USA but even in Europe. Sometimes the masses are literally fucking stupid and don't understand who to vote for. See: Brexit and Tr*mp (yes he lost the majority vote but still got tons of votes anyway along with every GOP member of Congress)

You can have a colonial empire without being a monarchy you know