Is it popular in your country?

Is it popular in your country?

I get banned there all the time for racism and misogyny

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I could never get more than 11 karma so I gave up on it. And like 4 or 5 of my accounts got banned.

It's boring because people just say what others want to hear

Fortunately no

My record was -80

No, only Twatter is popular.

Dude, they're a hard people to please. at least with this place you can just fucking spew nonsense and it doesn't really matter. op's a fag and a nigger. see no one cares

the netherlands sub is pretty big probably among the biggest dutch discussion platforms around.some politicians have even done AMAs there. its also extremely stereotypically 'reddity'

we have our very own analog and it's pratty popular among boomer's

>pratty popular among boomer's

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No, majority of "Algerians" who use it are diaspora or atheist/agnostic or both.

I spoke my maternal language and got harassed.
Never again.

What is stereotypically reddity?


Ironically the only place I didn’t get banned from was the TERF sub. Everyone else was banning me for being cruel to traps and sandpeople.

balding white men who work in IT and are 'socialist' but extremely consumerist/obsessed with marvel,boardgames and american politics

They dont like the idea of women being housewives

Yea, I'm a moderator of the r/Sweden forum


Or women.


its getting a lot more popular and its bad thing
r/polska is leftist as fuck even tho most slav subs are right wing

We banned reddit years ago and still by now.
But FYI, almost all of our flag poster is also a redditor faggot especially in the general. They migrated here or to their own designated boards similar to 4chin. This faggotry works the same as our own country's subreddit too it hurts. The circlejerking shit they brought from there is the reason why most of them just stay in the general.