This place is more of a Special Economic Zone than a country

There is no unifying culture, ethnicity, history, or philosophy. People live here, or come here SOLEY for money. Not a single sole has any loyalty or care for America as a country. Boomers sold out this entire nation just to have their property value increase. Why did I have to be born here?

Attached: america.gif (1100x703, 95.6K)

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The unifying culture is there, it's just also exploded across the planet so it feels less special.

We’re unified by our hatred of Hitler

Lmfao what unifying culture?

Consumption of products

Hitler and the Nazis have just become a political boogeyman at this point. It's coming up to 100 years since the Nazi Regime, and people STILL can't stop shoehorning it into every political discussion.

Pretty much. This place is pathetic.

>hate other countries

>There is no unifying culture
Isn't that the entire point of the US? It's a nation of immigrants.

idk man. Watch the Simpsons with someone who isn't from America. I guarantee they can point out all the unique things.
Better yet, go live outside of the US for a bit. You'll realize how fucking weird we are with our culture by comparison.

Oh wow! You're right! How could I have forgotten our rich and vibrant culture. Also your worse off than us in the culture department I need to say.

No. That was just some bullshit narrative that was created more recently about the USA being a melting pot, so that there wouldn't be backlash to letting in hordes of foreigners as economic stimulus for the wealthy.

They are more than that, Hitler is the original sin of western civilization and the savage Wehrmacht are his minions. Therefore we must do everything to make it so one man like that can never come to be again. The Nazis are the thread that hold everything together.

We have "culture", in the sense that we do everything differently (worse).

Having such a weak thread holding us together is starting to show its flaws. The USA and Europe are soon going to part ways (and that is a good thing)

It's likely that were the same blacks and whites to have inhabited the USA for a bit longer then there would've been an ethnogenesis at some point in the 21st century. The destruction of the USA does come from mass migration desu.

Yeah our culture is
>hate america
>tim hortons
I'd blame it on our relative youth but Australia is younger and yet has more culture than we do

LMFAO you know nothing about the USA. It was illegal to intermarry just 80 years ago, and even still today interracial relationships between white and black people are VERY rare. Plus most black people are concentrated in a specific portion of the South.

But the US is a melting pot. The white people are from all over Europe and the black people from all over Africa. Then you also have the South Americans, which are a more recent addition to the pot.

It isn't really your fault. You had a much larger nation to your south, so naturally you'd adopt a large portion of our "culture" and therefore would not have a need to create your own in many regards.

I wouldn't go that far. There's a lot of stupid shit we do that we don't realize is stupid, but everywhere has some of that.
It's a matter of just being aware, and having more perspective on things.

I'm American and have spent much of my adult life outside the United States. Our country has its faults, but I don't believe we're doing awfully for the fourth-largest and third-most populous country on the planet.

As I've gotten older, I have realized that I quite appreciate the socio-cultural emphases American education and institutions invest in secular democracy, individual freedoms, and personal choice. This is only something I've recently begun to consider, so I can't explain in detail. However, I do think these shared values--as inconsistent as they may be in government--are integral to American identity.

They're not uniquely American, but... as I said, it's not something I can easily explain. But it's something I've definitely started to notice as I've gotten older. Putting aside our mess of a health care system, as well as overpriced education, there are a lot of things I miss about the United States now that I took for granted for a very, very long time.

Of course, I'm speaking from the perspective of someone who now lives in a developing country. I'm not going to say we're uniformly better than some European countries, because we have a lot of room for progress. But anyone who thinks America is an awful, crumbling country needs a reality check. In spite of its contemporary woes, the United States is still a very, very prosperous, efficient, clean and peaceful place.

It's still better than to have a sea of beaners and pajeets flooding in and tribalizing shit further.

It was a chiefly European nation until just the past few decades. Africans mostly came from West Africa, and were a separate culture entirely from America, and were only integrated into " real America" truly in the 1960s.

>European nation
That's not a real thing. Europe has many different nations, each with their own distinct culture.

I agree that I don't want more immigration, but I'd replace all the black people in the USA for Latinos or Indians in a heart beat.

>America has no cultur-
What now libtard?

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friendly reminder to Any Forums anons that eternal life is the free gift of God. if you want to receive it and be 100% sure of going to heaven, watch this short gospel video. it's really easy to be saved from hell so don't miss out guys

must watch sermon for anyone who is doubting their salvation:

documentary explaining why Christ rejecting people that say they're jews are not God's chosen people. talmudic judaism is satanic and it has nothing to do with Christianity.

Yes, but much of Europe is interconnected ethnically and culturally to a strong degree. The USA was an Anglo descended nation which was made up of European ethnicities.

>People live here, or come here SOLEY for money.
Das rite! Too busy getting this green faggot

Begone Andersonite. America will only be saved by returning to the pure Calvinist faith of our forefathers.

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Every self hating american is a chinless incel. It's one thing to critisize certain things (I for one despise our treatment of iran) but if you attack the nation and it's people you are a loser incel faggot that needs to kill themself.

I made this post except with California.

Cope. Nothing I said was wrong and you know it. Also I'm a White man who lives in Boston.

I'm actually returning to tradition and becoming a druid
I'm going to sacrifice a bull later and drink mistletoe juice to get horny it's going to be great

this self hating americans are chinless incels

What I expressed is ESPECIALLY bad in California. I used to live there.

>Every self hating american is a chinless incel
so where did the american chud archetype come from then? these people aren't selfhating americans

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a white chinless man who probably plays paradox games and worships poltical compass memes like a fag

1. My chin is normal, not chiseled, but normal.
2. I do play paradox games
3. I hate the political compass in general

>I for one despise our treatment of iran
This is based and I'm not self-hating I only hate numerican cultureless mutts