Americans be like

Americans be like
>100K is barely enough!

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That $615 donations is to onlyfans and twitch thots, not charities

fuck the poors, why would you ever give them money? They will rob you a soon as they see you have money.

do they really?

see It would say "charitable giving" if thats what it was lol

>house cleaner

For what purpose?

What a bullshit graph it’s impossible to find rent under 1500 unless you get roommates. Nobody fucking donates unless they’re counting twitch and only fans in that. Nobody has a fucking maid. And who the fuck spends 270 bucks a month in health insurance?? That shits no more than 80 a month if you have a job.

They have to tip everyone so yes. Also lol at 270$ for health insurance

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Most 25 year old Americans aren't making $100K. This is made by out-of-touch elites at a MSM corporation.

Most Americans can still get by they’re just bad with money

better spent there than some rich toad's tax avoidance front masquerading as a charity

>Most Americans can still get by they’re just bad with money

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You totally can get by with $25K, you just need to be really really really really really really really good with money

>tfw I currently pay $250/mo in health insurance because I make too much to get any subsidies
>my sister gets a superior plan for $0/mo because her income is too low
Thanks Obama

Anyway, if the guy spends $600/mo on twitch and vtubers but still has $2500 left every month (assuming a take-home around mid $5000s after tax), it's not exactly a problem financially. But I wouldn't call that "excellent with money"

This is why I purposely damage product inside major retailers. When I worked at Lowes I "accidentaly" dropped a 3000$ refrigerator. Whoops haha

i mean, you are opting out of health insurance and going bare minimum in car insurance.

Until I purchased my house I was paying $1000 for a single bedroom apartment and that was a year ago.

Who tf pays $270 a month on health insurance? Is this person diabetic or some shit.
My insurance is $50 a month and it covers literally everything. Don't have to pay a dime to see a doctor or specialist.
Americans who go into medical debt are retards.

>excellent with money
>dining out
>house cleaner

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>dining out
It sounds so fancy but it's probably just eating buckets of fried chicken

>Who tf pays $270 a month on health insurance? Is this person diabetic or some shit.
The national average premium in 2020 for single coverage is $448 per month, for family coverage, $1,041 per month

He's well below average, probably thanks to his young age. I guess you never had to actually buy health insurance before.

>My insurance is $50 a month and it covers literally everything.
If this is through your employer, your employer is paying for it and I guarantee you its not $50/mo.
If this is through the marketplace, you qualify for a shit ton of subsidies because you are poor as shit and even then not sure I believe you. You have a deductible, or...?

Through my employer in the great state of Commiefornia, it's also only me on the plan.
I guess being in this socialist paradise has its upsides after all

>excellent with money
>dining out
These two pointless expenses account for almost a third of his budget.

Your employer is paying for it then as part of your compensation. Its not $50/mo lmao. A huge reason why American wages have stagnated is because more and more money is now spent on healthcare plans. Garbage system.