Do you drink energy drink in your country?

Do you drink energy drink in your country?

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quick question bros
i heard energy drinks affect your cum loads

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No, I never drink them. Find most of them disgusting. Pretty much only drink beer, black coffee and water.

>Find most of them disgusting.
>only drink beer, black coffee

the state of souless nordics

I'd rather have a Red Bull


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No because I care about my health.

Sometimes yea, i like Monster they're tasty, spcially the Mango.

Only coffee, I don't want rocks in my cock.

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i miss it anons...

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Miss it?

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i haven't seen it here in years

It's available in my local grocery store. But I guess it's rare these days, don't see it very often in other places.

i want to go back to 2012

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i was supposed to be born finnish
what fate did to me is plain cruel

Quickrundown? What's the flavor like?

Reminder that Monster is owned by Coca Cola which has branded themselves a nigger only company. They have said they don't want white people drinking their garbage.

It's still around. Willys (big grocery chain) here in Sweden always has it.
Yep, same fridge as we got here.
Like a mix of Redbull and fruit soda I guess.



unless you're a child/amerishart with a sugar addiction there's no reason not to just use picrel instead
enjoy your kidney stones

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energy drinks contain more than just a shitty xanthine, retard

I feel like when it comes to monster, pacific punch is just a slightly better version of mango loco, but no fucking stores anywhere near me sell pacific punch, only mango loco

that "shitty" xanthine is the main ingredient in energy drinks and the most consumed substance in the world lel
the dose of all the other pseudoplacebo substances in energy drinks is almost always far below any noticeable dose, at least use preworkout instead of shitty fizzy drinks if you're going to use that argument

Holly fuck, for real these fucking disappeared