I am Christian and studied the Bible for 28 years

Ask me anything

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What is this supposed to represent?

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literally me

Why is this image the Gospels were written by the apostles they're named after even though every scholar now agrees that's not possible?

Are you christian ?

>I am Christian
no you're not

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no but seriously, explain this christcucks. Even if there was eternal afterlife with all you ever wished for it still wouldn't be fair to let some people on earth suffer tremendous pain while others easily glide through life

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No sé
I disagree
Dios tiene buenas razones para no hacerlo de momento. Lo cierto es que muchos sufren por culpa de otros. El mundo está lleno de tiranos y abusones que hacen daño y no quieren cambiar. Así que para acabar con esta importante causa de sufrimiento, Dios tendrá que eliminar a este tipo de personas.

“¿Y por qué no lo ha hecho ya?”, puede que se pregunte usted. El apóstol Pedro explicó la razón: “Jehová no es lento respecto a su promesa, como algunas personas consideran la lentitud, pero es paciente para con ustedes porque no desea que ninguno sea destruido; más bien, desea que todos alcancen el arrepentimiento” (2 Pedro 3:9). En realidad, su paciencia demuestra que es un Dios amoroso y misericordioso.

Aun así, pronto intervendrá para “pagar con tribulación a los que les causan tribulación” a otros. Los malvados que tratan injustamente a los demás “sufrirán el castigo judicial de destrucción eterna” (2 Tesalonicenses 1:6-9).

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i am trying to find a religion
why join your club and not one of the many others? your time to shine.

What are your thoughts on organized Christianity?

Fucking JWfags I swear


God wants people to gather for worship.

The Bible says:
“Let us consider one another so as to motivate to love and fine works, not forsaking our meeting together.”—Hebrews 10:24, 25, footnote.

Jesus indicated that his followers would form an organized group when he said to them:
“By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love among yourselves.” (John 13:35)

As a primary way of showing this love, disciples of Christ would associate with fellow believers.

They would be organized into congregations that meet regularly for worship. (1 Corinthians 16:19)

Collectively, they would form a worldwide brotherhood.—1 Peter 2:17.

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>I disagree
Wow, there's that 28 years of Christian Education at full work for you.

Cat-faithers are not christian

fuck off and prepare for the 190245th armageddon your sect predicted

aamong us

No you see, THIS time its for real cant you see the SIGNS?

you are not a Christian my man

kys heretic

Suggest a book on Christian theology and philosophy and please not one of those "GoD iS REaL CuZ MirAcleZ".

Do you approve racemixing between white girl and black Christian ?

Yo, OP, I appreciate you for having the guts for starting a thread and actually responding questions. Just wanted to say that.

He just copypastes JW shit and spams these threads. Stop giving him credits