/balk/ + /v4/

Tourism edition

Attached: 1644227273431.jpg (1242x1830, 208.72K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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All ip ranges are banned in mk for posting threads
I tried my blizoo and a1 4g

i can post a thread for you if you want

Traffic deaths per 1M population

Attached: Meh.jpg (1080x1061, 357.41K)

truly we are inferior in europe when it comes to freight rail
>bumper and chain v american automatic janney coyplers
>740 m stations v 3 km or more
>lower axle load
>double stacking containers impossible
>smaller loading gauge

passenger rail though, a different story

% to see Russia as a threat

Attached: Rasha.jpg (1080x1055, 310.14K)


18-34 year olds living with their parents

Attached: Incels.jpg (1080x1074, 395.04K)

I miss /bvll/

Attached: bulgarnime.png (602x1242, 744.57K)

RIP kek

Attached: Vojislav Seselj baza imovine politicara.jpg (335x400, 14.06K)

We are incredibly powerful.

>Vojislav Seselj
Quintessential Serv.

Attached: svinopas.jpg (634x572, 117.55K)

>Women = Children
>t. Plato

He ded?

Bugari drugari wish they could be this cool.

plato was cringe though
aristotle (macedonian) was superior

Maymun thread

Ah, I knew Aristotle had the noble Macedon blood flowing through his veins by his wisdom.

% of land covered by forests

Attached: Forest.jpg (1072x1063, 325.87K)

hint: has to do with punches

Attached: h8htwlmu0u341 (1).jpg (1260x1260, 283.92K)

>I got 99 problems but politics ain't one

Attached: Chopelshema.jpg (540x540, 24.93K)

Exactly, the fuck are the Russians going to do us? They don't have the capabilities to navally invade us.

Who doesn't?

Attached: 89989898.jpg (410x309, 21.39K)

I hate whites so much

Bulgarian fertility

Attached: Fertility.jpg (1080x1065, 303.65K)

Me too, mpro. Me too.

Bulgarian poverty

Attached: Poverty.jpg (1080x1062, 257.88K)

am I considered one?

шизo бe, oщe ли нe ти e пиcнaлo?


TV minutes per day

Attached: Tv.jpg (1080x1047, 331.05K)

Old people that never used internet

Attached: Internet.jpg (1080x1044, 273.3K)

aй oтивaй пиши и тaм нe ми ca oбяcнявaй
кaтo ce cъбepeм шe имa кинo вeчep