This will be the average human in 2050 according to science

This will be the average human in 2050 according to science.

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Americans are fucking disgusting
I hope Russia nukes th e fuck out US

>a nigger
Tbh I prefer to mix with my excolonies than end as an extention of Africa

The average human in 2050 will be a 7ft tall and 200 iq white person, because of gene editing.

And it's beautiful.

A black guy with ginger hair lmao
I’m calling bullshit

>American and German "multiracial"
>Looks like the most stereotypical African American imaginable

What did scientists mean by this?

I’m a Mexican with brown skin but ginger hair
I’m a freak of nature and living proof that miscegenation is inhumane

Attached: F76AFCFE-40BD-467E-8BCE-0E125411EACA.jpg (500x477, 34.74K)

This is just a Black guy with dyed hair, mulattos don't look like that

I can't put my finger on it, but something about him feels really unsettling. Maybe it's the hair colour.


Attached: Average 2022 Americans.jpg (896x588, 170.48K)

>average american
>not fat
Fake news

Dont be sad. Take pride that your ancestors were Aztec/visigothic warriors. Youre the best of both cultures.

>best of both cultures

Woah, her MTF transition went really well!

Im calling bulshit too

Black/Brown hair and Brown eyes are dominant over Blonde/Red hair and Blue/Green eyes, but skin colour has no dominance, it's co-dominant.

Meaning that a multiracial kid between a nigger and a nordoid will almost always keep the brow hair and eyes, but be considerably lighter skinned.

Americans try too hard to pretend mixed raced kids turn out blacks with green eyes and light hair. In reality one just has to look at Brazil to know this is simply not the case.

This most ameircans mutts are half Hispanics or Asians, both of which are white passing


and what does the average look like now

I am glad I won't be alive by then

Hapa’s don’t pass as white

that guy doesn't look 300 lbs

I thought it was the other way around, hapa's passing as white but half hispanic whites not passing.
t. half white/half hispanic