I unironically live in the best country in the world

I unironically live in the best country in the world.

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Yeah probably.

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You're basically us but rich, tall, lame and without the ability to tolerate alcohol

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not probably, definitely.

lol, we're in no way comparable.

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Niemand komt aan maaskantje

I unironically live in the best country in the world.

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you live near the best country in the world, yet you're so far away in terms of quality.

Okay then. I'm coming over.

Your roads are somehow worse than america

I can afford a house in my country

You'd be surprised, my city is known for it's canals, is at risk of being underwater and one of it's main architectural projects was actually done by dutch people

ik ook

how do europoors actually think this?

isn't it apparent that america is the best country on earth?

>You'd be surprised
no I wouldn't be
you're just delusional

if that's true then why don't you live there? checkmate cuckboy

>checkmate cuckboy

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Bad bait

It's about the same. But they have trains

Yea you probably do.

I live in the north east so I have plenty of trains its just expensive

>OP is not Canadian
