Why do American Jews hate America and Americans but French jews love France and French people?

why do American Jews hate America and Americans but French jews love France and French people?

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Jewish conservatives are peak cringe, they spend all their lives pandering to people who want to exterminate them and denouncing the egalitarian movements that liberated them from the ghettos

Do Frenx folx really trust this Jew grifter?

Hes not french hes algerian berber an ethnic group from northern africa

>Jewish conservatives are peak cringe, they spend all their lives pandering to people who want to exterminate them
you mean progressives?

Most french jews don't really like france doe

Can't wait to see this retarded populist get BTFO by JVPITER in the election

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>French Jews love France
but they don't, Eric Zemmour is probably the exception not the rule. I'm not sure of his full intentions either.

This, the regressive left is the biggest threat to Israel and the preservation of the Jewish people, we need to support BASED and REDPILLED Jewish conservatives to beat the demonrats and make sure our Classical Liberal Western values don't disappear!

Ashkenazi jews hate France, retard. This guy is an algerian jew.

dogshit translation, shame on you for posting it op

>tfw I chose spanish instead of french or german in middle school

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It depends on if they believe in G-d or not.

Secular Jews in the US are dieing out with low birth rates and high intermarriage though.

If you want to make liberal Jews feel bad you can tell them "Do you know the difference between Donald Trump and a liberal Jew? Jewish grandkids".

Attached: t-Ben-Shapiro-683x1024.jpg (683x1024, 83.89K)

American Jews are mostly Ashkenazi and liberal while French Jews are mixed with conservative Mizrahim and Ashkenazis.

The only recebt goverbment sponsored persecution of Jews in the US was from Democrat governor Andrew Cuomo during covid who literally had police act as Jew catchers spying on synagogues and looking for "illegal gatherings".

We're genuinely gonna have to kill every single goy before they dilute us to oblivion

American Jews are all rich fucks who had everything in their life handed over to them and are celebrated for existing, European Jews lost everything in WWII and are under constant scrutiny in spite of people believing the holocaust happened. Figures Israelis seem to be the only normal people among them.

Because Zemmour is Algerian Sephardic Jew. He’d probably hate Muslim Nafris too so he loves France.

Orthodox Jews are doing just fine with birthrates that basically double every generation.
In a century America will be split between the Amish and Mormons with Orthodox Jews playing kingmaker.


>American Jews hate America