Can a clean looking nafri get an italian gf?

Can a clean looking nafri get an italian gf?

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Probably not

Yes but you don't want to.

>clean looking
As oppose to what? What do nafs usually look like?

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Why not?

In Milan or other northern Italian big cities yes, outside big cities no

They are gigantic bitches who think they are owed everything in life and will cheat on you at the first chance they get.

Why is that?
Just like French women then but better looking

a what

Only globohomoed n*rthern femoids could go to their parents and say: hey dad, here's my nafri bf

*parent and her new boyfriend

Urbanites wxmen like foreign men

why not get a french gf? they're better

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I'd personally kill every hairy Shitalian female with my bare hands for a chance to sniff this girl's seat.

There is something off about them i can't put my finger on, they lack femininity and they have that "sex and the city" mentality that i find unbearable

> they lack femininity and they have that "sex and the city" mentality that i find unbearable
That describes every Italian girl who'd be willing to be your gf.

French women have no tits for some reason.

We don't date Africans.

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omg are you literally me

Every single Italian man who ever had any relationship with an Italian femoid knows that.

>We don't date Africans.
I wish it were true friend, I wish it were.

I disagree, i interacted with many italian women and i find them familiar in the way they think.
They have that old school thinking, you're still not pozzed

dude, if you're not a teenager living in lombardy, you can forget dating italian women. Maybe you could score an ugly fatass.

I'm not black! I'm a french/nafri mutt

Those girls wouldn't date an African exactly because they are old school, I'm sorry but only metropolitan globohomo nutcases would date you.

>racist against blxcks
I thought they was soulbrothers

What I was saying, go to Milan and you will find what you want in that shithole of a city

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Italian chudcel cope. Let's not pretend anyone in Italy would even be able to know OP is nafri, they'd probably think he was a local.

it's not a shithole though, you're just a pathetic, seething terrone who will never be happy with anything because you have no soul

kys, italian women are made for pure frenchman

I don't look like that, my skin is lighter, my hair is strait and i have thin nose and lips

I'm not a terrone, I lived in Milan for 7 years and it is a complete shithole filled with mentally ill people.

if you look white, then pretend being one and never mention your arabic heritage. You may have a chance in that case.

Based gropers. Sadly I think a lot of them were from the middle east, not north africa. I'll come over some day to change that

Until he starts speaking French and reveals he's called Abdul or something. You really underestimate how racist people are here in general.

they were all moroccans


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I feel sorry for you, you got the worse ones. Moroccans are insane perverts

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