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Why are they so cringe?

i miss the old days where catholics made up 70% of the population

heresy makes them like that

Dn worry brazilanon
Evangelists cant breed, as US shows us

What is Evangelism?
I was in Israel and there was an old American guy kissing the soldiers and thanking them - everyone thought he was a weirdo.

These guys are literally a US psyop to lessen the influence of the Catholic Church in LatAM

Is Catholicism still Christianity? I talked to a Catholic and when I asked if they were Christian they said "No, I'm Catholic". I also heard a pastor saying it's heretical. There are more than a billion Catholics aren't there?

Even these evangelicals want to generically call themselves "christians", then what matters the most is if one is a catholic or not, indeed.

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Only churches with apostolic succession are true christian branches.

i guess most religions that use the bible and talk about jesus call themselves christians, but they never follow what jesus preached. this goes for evangelicals and catholics.

>Religious people don’t breed
Over here we are the only ones still doing that.

So which sects of Christianity follow the "true" religion? Where can I learn about real Christianity? And how do I know it's the truth compared to Judaism or Islam, or a polytheistic religion?

Why is that? America has great conditions for having children, is still rapidly growing and has great affordability. It's truly the perfect place for large families.

Evangelicals being a gl*wie psy op is true
For example in India
Naga separatists are armed, funded and trained by gl*wies using their evangelical (((missionaries)))

The average worshipper doesn't know what catholic, protestant, evangelical or any other denomination means, except maybe Mormons do because of the missionary service they do, but catholics? No idea

t. Family is catholic
I know more about the Bible and catholic rites than any of them and I haven't followed the religion for decades

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there is no true religion. people are retarded, they make up whatever they want and say it is the word of god.
the closest to true christianism you will have is cherrypicking the parts of the bible that directly talk about jesus.

Then what is Christianity? When I see churches outside they have all kinds of names. "Catholic", "Baptist", "Anglican". Which one follows the closest thing to the original Christianity?

No religions follow what they preach, and that's not what matters.

What matters is what they do.
No one would mistake this edification with allegories in it's walls by a work of "evangelicals", because that's not what they do.

They pretend to exorcise people screaming from their top of their lungs in microphones. Don't never built anything worthwhile, and promote crass behavior.

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the top*
don't ever*

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>Which one follows the closest thing to the original Christianity?
none. learn aramaic or hebrew and read the original sacred texts by yourself instead of following a retarded priest.

I am fluent in Hebrew. I just want someone to tell me about it since I only know about Judaism and Islam. Surely if one has studied the Bible for their life they can understand what Christianity is about?

Basically any churches old enough with an apostolic succesion. Mind you, there are even disputes between these beliefs and there were as many autistic arguments between them when it came to subjects such as the nature of Jesus (not on whether he was a god, but rather whether his essence was mortal or ghostly, and other arguments that would be seen as trifling today), so there wasn't a unanimous agreement in theological views, but they're about as close as you can get to original christianity. Some of their traditions even link back to the church fathers.

The very idea of a text being "sacred" is in itself preaching.

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>I am fluent in Hebrew
nice. so you can just google it in hebrew

I fucking hate the US for exporting these schizo cults (evangelicals, mormons and jehovah witnesses)

But all the sources are non-Christian. I can't find much Christian content in Hebrew which is the problem. I just want to learn about what Christianity actually is. I've been to the places Jesus was at and there are countless churches at each location (and also where the apostles lives) but I had no idea about actual Christianity. I just it would be retarded if people actually believed in the water to wine and the bread splitting thing when I went to the church in the location he supposedly did that.

We'll, most of them are Christianity in the sense that in one way or another they believe in the teachings and resurrection of christ in one way or another.

As for "original" Christianity, whatever that was is no longer a thing. After the "primitive" stage during antiquity, after the romans adopt it, there's a bunch of different religious heads which basically constitute different branches. There's a bunch of conflicts with one another until basically you have the catholics following the pope in Rome and the orthodox in Greece and other places, and as a minor player, the coptics in Ethiopia, which still exist today.

Catholicism then gets big during the middle ages an eventually Martin Luther kickstarts the reformation, which gives place to the protestants, which are more individualistic and doesn't have a single central figure because it's all about being able to interpret the Bible in a personal way. Protestants also have like different doctrines (I'm not sure what they're called) like calvinism, baptist, etc. And some of these were rejected and moved to thr new world.

During the XVIII and XIX centuries you have the "awakenings" mostly in America which are basically local movements usually branching off from protestantism. Here you have jehovas witnesses, mormons, evangelicals and such.

Long story short, if you're going by age then catholicism, coptic and orthodox (Greek mostly, Russian was formed afterwards) would the ones "closest" to the original, but don't forget some of these had several internal theological struggles that made it diverge and adapt into a different thing from what it was before.

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