Suffering Diaspora

>dad is over 65 and owns multiple properties in China and Hong Kong
>he's retired and goes back to those places once a year to visit friends and family
>tell him to sell those properties since he's been in Canada for 30+ years already
>"oh nah, I need those places" for some fucking reason
>instead he could've just sold properties a decade ago and bought multiple places here instead, but now property prices in Canada is skyrocketing and we'll be lucky to buy more than 2
>I could've had a medium sized house to myself in an average neighbourhood with multiple small, cheap flats elsewhere and rent those house and live passive through that income
>could've loved as a comfy NEET for the rest of my life until I die, instead now I live as a less comfy NEET

Post how you suffer as a diaspora in your country.

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>his family owns property back home that's worth jack shit

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Get a job you fucking loser.

It's funny because those apartments he owns and a huge, empty plot of land that used to be an auto repair shop is now worth a lot. Even though the apartments were from 40 years ago before the cities actually started developing so it's old and ugly as fuck, but it's still worth money because of their locations.

But it doesn't matter because he's not selling them so it's just "valuable assets" instead of ACTUAL fucking money. He's going to die one day and I'll get nothing.

I mean that'll probably save you from the hell of neetdom so it isn't entirely bad


And it's not like they'll even give me a job.

All you think about is yourself. What about what YOUR DAD wants? You know, the guy who actually owns that shit?

>What about what YOUR DAD wants?

I think he wants me to stay at home with him and my mom and take care of them when they get old. This is why I don't have a home of my own.

What's it like being wealthy?

Wealthy is a meme. There are more people I know who are better off than me and a lot of first worlders on Any Forums living better than me.

My dad has properties but no money. We live in an average house in an average neighbourhood. We eat out once a week but mom cooks home 6 days a week. We have an old car they got when they came here. "Why get an expensive car? People will just steal it. Why get a new car? The old one still works". We don't go on vacations, but I do go on some since I can save up the money given to me.

If he would just sell everything back home, we'd have actual money and be able to do things with said money.

But Hong Kong is one of the cities where real estate has absolutely sky rocketed in value in the past few decades. If you bought an apartment in the center of Hong Kong in the 80's and are still renting it out you are fucking set.

i hope you choke to death on your mother's cooking in front of her very eyes you ungreatful piece of shit. kill yourself so your parents will have a better life without having to support their man sized leech of a son

>If you bought an apartment in the center of Hong Kong in the 80's and are still renting it out you are fucking set

I don't remember the exact district my dad owns an apartment in. But guess what? He didn't rent the place out, even though he goes there 1 time every year or so the past 2 decades. "Oh no, I would never rent any proper I own out, you don't know how messy people are and how they would wreck the place".

Other than having a string of successful businesses, he's a complete retard. If things were different, in that he owns multiple properties in Vancouver/Toronto, he would do the EXACT same thing and NOT rent out each floor for $2000-3000 a month. It's literally free passive income, but he'd too dead set on his thought of "people are messy".

>wealthy means having money
I can tell your family wealth is going to end with you. Rich people don't live like Scrooge McDuck with a vault full of hard cash, or billions in their bank account, they own assets, land, real estate, and tangible valuables

I'm not saying I'm going to live like Scrooge McDuck. I want my dad to pull all his assets out of China/Hong Kong and invest in Canada. Preferably buy the same properties over here, but rent them out.

I hope so too.

This is no way to live. I need my own place and my own money. If my dad would just give it to me.

China has more of a future then canada

Irish diaspora here, dad worked a trade his whole life only owns 1 house.
Get visibly and sometimes fiscally angry when I am succesfull in life.
Ill be the first generation who will pass something on to his kids.
Feels good

I heard from Dutch anons that the Dutch royal family owns something like 50% of all housing in the Netherlands. So it's pretty much impossible for you to own a property, so you can only rent. So if you can actually buy a property, you are very successful.

By success you mean burning up da natty ganja every day

Dad worked 25 years as a loader, bever bothered to study a skill or the language
Last year went blind from a gint brain tumer, doctors cust out 20% of his brain, now i have to sit with a 130kg blind pile of flesh
All he dies is masturnate and scream all day.
Mom works because she is afraid to look at him

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I'm sorry for you my brother.

Are you a diaspora, or are you just a suffering Israeli?

I studied in school here, speak hebrew freely but am still completly alone

Why are asian diaspora so entitled?