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>your country
>would you pay $500000 for this house?
me: fuck no!

Attached: oqeykiwfi2tx33hr86sztpy0oj9qhg8n1y47so8x8g.jpg (1900x800, 239.27K)

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It depends on the location, but there's plenty of places in the UK where that would go for quite a bit more than $500k (£370k). Has plenty going for it desu:

>outdoor terrace
>views of nature
>spacious (3-bed or 4-bed I guess)
>parking space
>new-build spec (i.e., good insulation, integrated appliances)
>plenty of natural light

The near-cubist design is a bit soulless, but the use of a wood veneer makes it much less unpleasant to look at than other cubist buildings. Overall I think it'd be a pretty comfy place to live, and would probably pay $500k for it if I had a family to house and a wife to contribute to the mortgage a bit. As it is, I'm probably going to end up paying $380k (£280k) for a far far worse house than that

no, it looks like shit

yes easily lol looks like a great deal for the price

How much m2 is it? If its around 200m2 with a good location than yes, it would well even here.

Yes thats pretty much what modern detached houses in helsinki cost, looks exactly same too. Cities are tellin to poorfags (us) to fuck off.

yeah looks comfy

I will never own a house. I can’t even move outside of shitney cause everyone else is doing that too and driving up house prices. It’s over. I can’t believe that this is the single greatest problem I’m facing in my life. I have food, water, electricity, clothes, entertainment, health and medicine, peace from war, but I can’t find one affordable home. Oh and also I’m having trouble having sex. Fucking bull shit.

Im pretty sure thats closer to 100-150m2.

Reminds me of that ghost hunter episode. Peak SOVL.

My choice is very limited

Attached: file.png (1105x260, 79.93K)

Shithole in middle of nowhere, good for argies so move there

>Oh and also I’m having trouble having sex.
Prostitution is legal in your country, you have no excuse.

Little changes
>500km radius
>Min square meter 20
>Include flats
>Condition: poor
How about now?

They’re all ugly though

Just the land would cost over a million here

Cant find affordable home or too high standards to settle with apartment or rowhouse? I gave up with buying detached house in helsinki area, couldnt afford anything that was build after kekkonen left office, settled down with decent rowhouse, paying this off for next 20 years.

Than its very expensive.

No. I could buy pic related for $200 000.
I hate modern houses with a passion.

Attached: CMVILLA54U3345H4ER6JS2B-CBILD55742GKP912SO4OJ.jpg (1960x1120, 673.46K)

isn't everything expensive in Norway ?

Or this for $165k

Attached: IMG_0023.jpg (1080x810, 159.67K)

Or this for $290k

Attached: CBILD50KAOSQESPNOC5QP.jpg (1698x1134, 1.46M)

Its really not if its located in major nordic city, thats what new houses costs. 200m2 is closer to million dollars(800k€).

I guess in the middle of bumfuck nowhere? Else that's ridiculously cheap