These are the men who conquered the Americas, Africa and most of Asia

>these are the men who conquered the Americas, Africa and most of Asia
how does that make you feel?

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That you're a freak

They look surprisingly young

>These are somebodies sons

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british males who are not trannies are very cute
if i were a girl id want a bri'ish bf

My ancestors :)

>bong is the only one who doesn't go for disgusting fake lips
based finn

as always the meds are the hottest ones

is there anything better than turning someone's failed son into a hot quivering mess spilling their useless feminine semen all over their stomach?

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british man fucking mogs british women


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I'm pretty sure the people who conquered those places are dead now

please play along with the schizo's roleplay

why do you and your people want to doom the european race with transgenderism?

Salt that extends across centuries.

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shut the fuck up before I tell mossad to increase the estrogen levels in your tap water bitch boy

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sorry for expelling you please turn down the estrogen I don't want to be a trap anymore

jokes on you I already crossdress and take lewd pics that I sequently fap on

all that remains is for me to come over to italy for some reparations for what you did to my ancestors, and by that i mean fucking your brains out and filling your ass with rope after rope of my thick semen until you can't think of anything other than being bred

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please tell me does Eu have an onlyfans?


I do have to take my meds.. But I'd rather keep fapping ahaha

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I'm sure you do you whore

please turn me into a hot quivering mess

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not me, Eu, the girl on the left from that tiktok webm

Eu is portuguese for "I" you drongo