Does Any Forums prefer chips (thick) or fries (thin)?

does Any Forums prefer chips (thick) or fries (thin)?

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those are all fries

chips generally
fries with burgers
wedges when i'm doing something in the oven

the ones on the right, just thick enough that you don't need 5 of them for sate your hunger but not thick enough that it loses its crunchiness

Jacketed tato with a shrooms

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Those are fries, chips are like pringles
Learn englsh idiota



Wavy cut fries are my favorite.

Attached: 72797208-fresh-fried-wavy-french-fries.jpg (1300x870, 123.82K)

I like my fries how i like my women, thin and crispy

do me a favour, look up "chips" in british english then jump off a bridge you absolute retard


every thread that has more than 2 italian posters ends up with italians erguing to each others

>british english
Bong tourist detected. Why don't you jump off a balcony?

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oh fok oi've bìn found out la
tossers the whole lot of you, swear on me gran


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so what? I'm gonna "ergue" as much as I like

I prefer patat.

Attached: patatje oorlog.jpg (768x1024, 72.08K)

may an army of seagulls steal all your """"""""""chips"""""""""

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with pleasure, seagulls are based and they deserve sustenance
i look up to them with more reverence than the royal family

You mean "crisps"?

I like to do them my way, in a big pan (stainless steel one) with a lid on top and with butter, grease and olive oil combination
They both fry and cook at the same time, you have to stir them up fast every minute or half minute and they come out part mashed part fried
I use some nigger spices (spices that are a combination of known spices) at the end and eat them with mayonese
I would love to be able to make mcdonalt liks fries but i dont have a gallon of oil to waste in the fryer nor would i fry a ton of them because it wastes a lot of oil