Why are anglos so horrible?

Why are anglos so horrible?

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Anglos are based, they created football

because they have no honour

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I think the reason is they invented liberalism, which is the most effective way of separating colonials from their money ever devised. As imperial profits dry up tho they just look and sound pathetic.


and now you suffer because of it


its a shit lanscape, they need to externalize they shit life

Actually America created football

Too good at self-justification in altercation.

Because Anglo women are both hideously ugly AND frigid, stuck-up, entitled bitches. Anglo men suffer terribly but end up taking it out on each other instead of uniting against their women.

god I hate latinx

that's rape

they anglo and the jew were birthed of the same wicked serpent, they are a natural force of evil

>oh nice a barfight
>oh shit a micropenis

Because you already hate us so why should we be nice?

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You ARE hated for not being nice

Nah Anglos have been unbearable centuries so its been deeply engraved into us from you to dislike Anglos

underage users detected.

Nigel you can turn your VPN off now

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what do you mean?