/lang/ - language learning general

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Any Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages:

Lots of books on linguistics of various kinds, as well as language courses:

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:

List of trackers for most language learning packs:

Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:

Russianon's list of comprehensible input resources:

Pastebin that archives challenges:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?


Attached: 1218px-AncientGreekDialects_(Woodard)_en.png (1218x1024, 324.75K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Previous challenge Unanswered challenges:

Unanswered questions:

After a year or two of not studying, I'm finally getting around to studying Japanese again. Don't really have any goals for the Language other than to read Japanese literature and be able to speak to others.

I actually thought about learning Russian too in order to be able to read old Soviet era Science and Mathematics texts, but at this stage in learning Japanese, I don't think it's such a good idea.

>But here you can and probably should use an article, especially with "Latijn." I'm sorry I can't explain to you why that's the case.
Would it make more sense if I said "de nederlandse taal" or just "nederlands" in that case? For Latijn I think I understand, maybe since its the subject?

Dankjewel voor de hulp :)

What age kids read Le Petit Prince (in french)? Could a ~3-4 year old read it or is it a bit more advanced than that?

het meest recent ding dat ik heb gekocht was wat wiet lol
Ik weet het niet, en het boeit me niet. Ik focus me op wat ik doe, en da's prima.
Ik hou van mijn vriendengroep. Het is klein, maar ze zijn supportief, aardig, en grappig.
Nederlands leren is de tijd waard, want het introduceerde me in de taalkunde, en nu is het mijn favoriete hobby.

Ik eet brood.
Zie je dat?
Neem mijn eten niet.
Geef het terug.
Ik heb de foto niet ontvangen die je me hebt gestuurd, kan je het opnieuw verzenden, alsjeblieft?
Heb je de laatste aflevering al gezien?
Ik zou graag met je gaan, maar droevig heb ik dingen al gepland.
Het spijt me heel erg voor je gast, is er iets die ik voor je kan doen?
Hebben jullie iets gevonden die jullie wil bestellen, of hebben jullie een moment nodig om te beslissen?
Ik kan om de achterkant kijken om te zien als we die op voorraad hebben, als je hier even wachten.

I was going to try to learn Chinese, but the tones really get and I always end up quitting.

I have some free time, so...

>ذلك الصورة
تلك الصورة
>حليب صويا
حليب الصويا
>حليب بقرة
حليب البقر
>كيف يمكنني اتعلم اللغة العربية؟
كيف يمكنني أن أتعلم اللغة العربية
or كيف يمكنني تعلم اللغة العربية
>اللاتينية كانت يتحدث بها الكثير من الناس عندما ولد عيسى
كان يتحدث الكثير من الناس اللغة اللاتينية عندما ولد عيسى/يسوع
>عمتي الشابة لديها رجلين سميكين
لدى عمتي الشابة رجلان سميكتان
>اريد الذهاب الى الشاطئ بكرة صباحاً
اريد الذهاب الى الشاطئ صباح الغد
>صاحبيني الاستراليين
صاحبيّ الاستراليين
>ايدين صغيرين
يدان صغيرتان
Or أيدٍ صغيرة
>الا ان يستطيع يعزف البيانو
إلا أنه يستطيع عزف البيانو
>كرهي اليه
كرهي له
>إن كنت صديق طيب، سوف اتحدث معك في معظم الحيان
إن كنت صديقاً جيداً لتحدثت معك أكثر
>اطلاق طاقة فجائية
اطلاق طاقة مفاجئ
Or اطلاق مفاجئ للطاقة

>german professor making us use the cucked inclusive orthography
its actually mindboggling to think these same people were responsible for nazi germany

Attached: file.png (735x729, 592.6K)

Thanks user, I’ll double check these

Also, how do I write some of the characters like إلا with ء at the bottom of it typing it on my phone? When I write it ur just stays as الاء


>but the tones really get
The tones really get what? Also, are tones in Chinese anything similar to pitch accent in Japanese?

How are you learning it? Massive respect btw

Muh tones are just cope.

>The tone cope
>I remember having normalfriends in my Chinese class (which was a waste of time, just get the DeFrancis books) who would say that Chinese wasn't too hard "except for the tones." Mandarin Chinese has four tones that distinguish words. If you've sat through your first day in Chinese class or even seen a YouTube video on Chinese, you know this.

>Normies see this alien concept of having tones and they turn their brains off. There were kids in my class who said they'd "just not learn" the tones. Which is sort of like saying you're going to learn English, but not the vowels "because they're too hard."

>Actually around half of the world's languages have tones. They are not bizarre or highly "marked" in an objective sense. They are much more common that the "th" sound in English. You can bear it.

niki-mîcison napatâkwak. ᓂᑭᒦᒋᓱᐣ ᓇᐸᑖᑿᐠ
ayisk soniyaw. ᐊᔨᐢᐠ ᓱᓂᔭᐤ
êha. ᐁᐦᐊ
namôya nikiskêyihtan nohtepayiw nêhiyawak. ᓂᑭᐢᑫᔨᐦᑕᐣ ᓄᐦᑌᐸᔨᐤ ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐘᐠ

nimîcison ohpayihcikan. ᓂᒦᒋᓱᐣ ᐅᐦᐸᔨᐦᒋᑲᐣ
kiwapahtan ci? ᑭᐘᐸᐦᑕᐣ ᒋ?
êkâwiya kimoti nimîciwin. ᐁᑳᐏᔭ ᑭᒧᑎ ᓂᒦᒋᐏᐣ
miyin. ᒥᔨᐣ

Attached: d40a204ce0eca15537d3e2badefaf074.jpg (2679x3199, 918.54K)

you can learn tones.
you already know tones, you just don't know you know it. take how questions are inflected, for example.
the ONLY difference between: "That's a man." and "That's a man?!?" is tone.

I use Microsoft SwiftKey on my phone so I just long press ا and it gives me pic related

Attached: lll.jpg (1080x752, 124.79K)

mostly using
for vocabulary and
for grammar and the rest of the vocab
i don't have any of the relevant linguistic journals, though i'd like to at least get the more important issues of parma eldalamberon should they become available again

oh, is that where they use an apostrophe with the feminine form to represent gender neutral or w/e?
i've heard that some people are now pronouncing it as a glottal stop.

Pretty much. Instead of the apostrophe, we're supposed to use the asterik (*) though