Cheesed to meet you

cheesed to meet you

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Why have you posted a picture of this smiling Mexican?

wait isn't this the ethnic kid that had a cheese allergy and died cause someone threw one of those american cheese product squares at him?

catch this!

Attached: 1640270947276.jpg (1024x980, 432.57K)

nonwhites be like
>NOoooO whypipo dis cheese be too spicy!1!


>people of color die when exposed to milk
can't make this shit up

oh wow it's real

I was surprised they didn't call it a hate crime but then I remembered there's no white people left in london so it couldn't have been

>Karan had multiple food allergies, including to wheat, gluten, dairy products and nuts. He also had asthma and atopic eczema.
jfc this nigga was allergic to everything

I hope the killer gets jail time

White people die when you expose them to peanut butter. We weren't allowed to eat any in public school because of fucking Cody and his "tree nut allergies". We even had posters for it. 18 fucking years of no PB&J sandwiches

>Karan had multiple food allergies, including to wheat, gluten, dairy products and nuts. He also had asthma and atopic eczema.
Surprised it took this lobg, food in general is to spicy for this kid

just banter m8


I mean if he was this allergic to something that just touching it for a second was enough to kill him how did they even know he was allergic? like surely he would have died years ago as an infant if he was that prone to reactions

>Boy with allergy died after cheese was flicked at him, inquest told
is life meant to be as ridiculous as possible?

the cheese touch got him

>making fun of a child

cheesy responses

Penis cheese

Allergies often take years to develop. Also he was probably tested for everything when they found out he was allergic to nuts and the test uses a miniscule amount of material.

wonder wheat would happen if i gluten some cheese to his nuts
