What do Americans even do with these things? Surely they can't use them all at once

What do Americans even do with these things? Surely they can't use them all at once.

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we collect them like pokemon cards


gotta shot them all

It's literally just this. Guns are fun to collect and they hold their value pretty well if you ever needed quick cash.


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>American kids in school trade guns instead of pokemon cards

Shooting guns is fun. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't shot a gun.

rather bullets

You would not understand

I feel like despite what video games have taught me, guns would actually be almost completely similar. If you buy a common model you can buy attachments too, but beyond that I assume almost everything with the same caliber handles the same these days
t. Nogunz

If more gun owners were like this I wouldn't mind them so much. Unfortunately most of them think they will have to use them against the NWO or Obama or murdering rapists who will invade their house at night.
Most of them are pretty cringy and lack all self awareness. Filled with child-like fantasies about playing the hero.

i genocided all the birds in a 2 km radious when i got a .22

i think its similar, that why they dont have bizons or indians anymore

collecting guns is cool
shooting them isnt

>the NWO or Obama
The fuck?

Republicans believe all sorts of loopy nonsense.

Most Americans own a gun or two. Some inherited, some purchased. Maybe they hunt, maybe they have a handgun for protection. However, people who collect guns or have guns as a hobby tend to be weird as fuck, emotionally undeveloped and unstable, and should be excluded from society.

Unironically one of the fool proof ways to protect your wealth right now, though only if you already jumped on this idea pre-2020.

I have a buddy who, with his brother, invested like $50,000 in arms purchases a few years ago. They have tripled their investment. Same shit happened to people who had full autos before the Assault Weapons Ban back in the mid 1990s.

sounds fun

Why were full-autos banned in first place?

I bet they can all fit in their massive assholes

Only ~30% of Americans own guns believe it or not

>Most Americans own a gun or two
No. only 30%.

The machine gun ban just got slapped on as a rider to Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986 at the last minute.

There was a a massive crime wave between the early 80's and mid 90's in the US. There were a few mass shooting incidents (just a handful), but the Democrats in power felt they needed to do something and there were several crime bills passed through the Federal government to try and address the issues.

The Assault Weapons Ban is one of these but it was so imperfect and flawed that it's often considered a failed attempt by Democrats to effectively ban all guns. Dianne Feinstein was one of the leading authors and she is one of the most corrupt Democrats in government. She is from a generation that is responsible for destroying the Democratic party.


Not to say that the Republican party isn't responsible for just as poor performance in regards to the 2A.

If you want to get rid of all arms in private hands why don't just repeal the 2nd Amendment?

>If you want to get rid of all arms in private hands why don't just repeal the 2nd Amendment?

Because the majority of Americans want to keep it and the people who want to ban them know that there is absolutely no way they can get enough votes in Congress to repeal it, or even a President to allow that to pass without veto-ing it.

So they try to come up with sneaky ways to limit the 2A, some laws get struck down in court, others linger.

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Amending the constitution is a long and difficult process and repealing the 2nd amendment is not nearly popular or uncontroversial enough to have a remote chance of happening. Besides, I'm not even sure if it's even possible to repeal any of the Bill of Rights (first 10 amendments).