Normies be like

Normies be like
>Ugh I haven't had sex in a month! I'm going crazy
Does this happen in your country? Why do they act like they need sex? I haven't had in years

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>ugh I haven't had sex in years I'm going crazy
Do spoiled retards act like this in your country? I've never had sex at all.

Normal people suffer when they're not having sex consistently

But you can masturbate to let off steam.
It's literally the very reason why one would do it. So that you can think clearly.

did you mistake places when coming here normaloid

>Do spoiled retards act like this in your country? I've never had sex at all.
Do spoiled amerimutts act like this in your cunt? I've never eaten cheese or truffle at all.

You're not fooling anyone, Ramirez. Now get back to your post or it's another 100 push-ups for you.

That's true but there's more to sex than just having an orgasm
My gf posts here as well

The fact that normal people out there are having sex on a regular basis blows my mind. I don't think I've ever had a conversation that lasted more than 3 minutes with a woman. Normal people not only talk to them but fuck them. It's crazy

iktf, I haven't had sex in almost five months.
You just feel different in periods when you have sex. Like if someone responds aggressively or with a cruel remark, you'll just think "lol fuck him", instead of "he's right I'm a loser". It changes your chemical balances in the brain and you feel like you're worth something.

Can't stand them. Why do they need to constantly talk too? What's wrong with having silence every once in a while?
Oversocialized insecure degenerates

normalfags and incels be like
>I'm only worthy if I have sex !

it's not an explicit thought, it's something your brain does automatically.
Just like every time you have an interaction with someone it calculates if you came out on top.
Every time you have a "success" of any kind, your brain will automatically rank you higher in an imaginary ranking of social position that everyone and every animal has.

It's not a coomer vs trad thing, it's literally behavioral biology and neurochemistry.

I hope you have sex with Italian girls.

Same, I haven't even talked to a female after elementary school unless saying no receipt to a store clerk or talking to my mom counts. The idea of talking to those things on a daily basis feels so absurd.

thank God I'm not neurotypical

there's no escaping this.
If you remember the meme about Jordan Peterson and lobsters, that's what it was about.
Even crustaceans have this mechanism, your autism means nothing.

when they let me

explain why I don't feel this, then:
>your brain will automatically rank you higher in an imaginary ranking of social position

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dunno, I don't know you enough to say.
You may not have enough interactions with people to even have that satisfaction (which would just "rank" you last, not outside the ranking), or you may just not realize that you feel good even after an interaction at a cash register where you had full control of the situation.
It's presumptuous to think we work in different ways from animals.

Anyhoo, if you have some 40 hours to spare there's a beautiful set of lectures on youtube about Behavioral Biology, you can watch those if you're interested.

I don't know as I don't talk or hang out with other people

>My gf posts here as well
Post her cock

this one?

I sometimes feel good after talking to people but I don't feel socially superior in an imaginary ranking

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yep, the professor is very funny too, so they're pretty light to watch.

But you do sometimes feel like "lmao look at that loser", or "ill never be as cool as that guy" probably.
You unconciously rank yourself along them