What do you know about them?

What do you know about them?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Bulgaria.svg.png (1200x720, 929)

They border either Germany or Russia.


bugari tatari

I met bulgarians in California and they all had dandruff

Brate, tatrin li si? Podkrepyas li tatarsku imperiu na tri moreta?

Their women are either mega beautiful or ugly as fuck, even in the same family, it boggles my mind.

It felt like Russia when I was there in 2007. I learned to ski in Pamporovo which is a nice ski town.

There's no grammatical cases in Bulgarian which is quite unique to Slavic languages


yкpaинaтa ги имa yбaвитe жeни в дpжaвaтa

тa тa тa тa тa

>that's the secret

they invented the Cyrillic alphabet


they have qt brown slav women

I know that once upon a time we had a border with them and I must say that I am sorry that we do not have it today.

They suck Russia cock
Cheap resorts
Kinda poor
Poor than Romania

Aint poppin

Vacation spot for teenagers to get drunk on the beach

worst demographics in all of europ

There was that school in Harry Potter with the Krum guy.

They forgot their roots

they're nomadic turkic steppe warriors

they will return to their former glory