America bros... he got us

america bros... he got us....

Attached: 1630223756966.jpg (653x552, 83.56K)

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Is he stupid? She's talking about were americans should put their interests, not which country is better.
Also, death to america!

Attached: 1636197725585.png (1000x750, 1.15M)

That bitch got ratioed hard lmao.

Uh oh, the new amerijanny isn't going to like this.....

Death to america
not a proxy or shill just hate them for ruining my country simple as

Why are chines officials so rude on twitter?


they go on attack mode every time so they don't have to address their human rights situation and other shit aspects of china, it's a tired trope



their banter is Any Forums tier
I wonder if they lurk

do chinks get paid to shitpost on twitter at this point?

If she had just said "America first" then that's what that would have meant. Adding "China last" kinda implies punishing China (which both parties are generally too chickenshit to do in any meaningful way so who cares)

Reminds me of this.

Attached: trump_says_china_is_better_educated_than_america.png (570x595, 214.12K)

Ameribros... It's over....

>I came up with three vaccines
How does he find the time?

America is shit but infinitely better than fucking China

Didnt know american spies had time to shitpost while on a mission

because americans are very easy to troll due to their extreme emotionality, especially the left wingers.
The difference between left and right is that if you troll the american left - a leftie will most likely throw a tantrum, if you troll the american right, the guy might pull out a gun on you out of spite. At least that's how it works in real life i imagine.

Take it from a Chinese spy living in America right now: China sucks and I’m going to defect in a few months.

it would be hilarous if trump now suddenly lost the persona from The Apprentice again and went straight back to 80's mode, just proving that he won the presidency with a completely fake facade

Attached: EKn8sWrW4AAhNzA.jpg (491x303, 13.34K)

what does a Chinese spy does in muhrica? just hire a pajeet and put bugs in the linux kernel? set up a chinese restaurant to fund Iran's missile defense system? what do they even do?

They take up university spots and make whites drop even further behind Latinx and Blax in terms of enrollment percentage by race.