Thoughts on this beautiful english rose?

thoughts on this beautiful english rose?

Attached: Laura-Manchester.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

that's a man.

Genetically engineered for the elongated African phallus

Supermodel body isn’t attractive to me

cute, how is this an international topic tho?

Had me until (s)he opened that mouth

She had her mouth open from the very beginning

Oh I was looking at here eyes, look at her mouth from around 0:10


Ugly eye area, no personality in her face, and the hair is badly painted. Looks like a slav whore.

she's cute, I want her to smile at me like that when I cum deep inside hopefully impregnating her

Long necks look good tbhwy

Is that actually a tranny???

Thats a Swedish model iirc

no, but thats what tranny believe



Doesn't look English.

doesn't look english desu

Not my type

>Doesn't look English.
What does she look like to you?