Why does plywood make euros seethe

Why does plywood make euros seethe

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because you are the richest country on earth who build shit like in 3rdistan

Wood buildings will outlive me, my old neighborhood was all wood houses from the 19th century. why do i care if it doesn't last till the heat death of the universe

it goes against all physical laws about building wooden houses and is in fact illegal in our building code.
>what is a moisture barrier?
>where is the dew point in an insulated wall?

Timber ≠ plywood

and pretty much any Norwegian house starts in the 7 figures in usd

my current house is mostly timber/steel frame with plywood walls and floors like the op pic, its 30 years old and shows no sign of age and can easily last another 30 years

yeah but that was actual wood and not plywood which wont even last 30 years.

Wow so you mean it can last a whopping 60 years? Wow.

i can get you a better house than anything made is usa today for *$200k.
basement or simple slab foundations is up to you. same with interior, the building standards is the same its just very basic inside. prebuildt at a factory so we just ship over the container sized segments and a carpenter crew and you got a key ready house in a few days.
*shipping not included

see im fairly certain it will outlive me and im 25 rn, im pretty sure by the time im dead it will be in better condition than whatever souless commieblock you live in will be in 60 years

wao mate your house is 30 YEARS OLD


Not a man of future generations, eh?
I live in this commieblock btw. It is only over 110 years old.

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according you yurofags on Any Forums it should have been blown down by a strong gust of wind like 25 years ago, but that hasnt happened yet

do you own it?

You guys didn't mock the Roman empire when it was first built or the Colosseum in Rome when it was 5 years old at it's time but you'll brush off that somehow with some other marvelous cope

I rent a floor.

lmao, ngmi

Of course not silly, we weren't alive back then.

lol, id rather live in a literal cardboard box that i owned than be some landlords cuck

...annnd this is all you need to know about Americans.

*gets blown by a cyclone*

>gets blown away by a tornado
>gets flooded by a hurricane
>collapses in on itself in an earthquake
>burns in forest fire
no wonder we make them so cheap they'll all get destroyed anyway

I did, I was there.
I had a dream about this once.

So you are living in a trailer house?

You will never own the building you live in, you might as well light the money you give to your landlord on fire because you are never going to see it again. Even cucks with a mortgage will at least own their house after 20-30 years.

Literally the only places worth living in the us don't have earthquakes, forest fires or hurricanes so doesnt matter

Building your base out of wood is a rookie mistake

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