Logical Language Tier List


English: Extremely easy to learn because of very basic functional grammar, 48% of its vocabulary is Latin based (derived from French), learning this first will help massively learn all other neo-latin languages, spread everywhere in the world

Spanish: It is English but fully Neo-Latin for all of Southern America (very easy grammar)

French: Harder than Spanish but still spoken a lot around the world (Arabic people use it as Lingua Franca) and easy to learn if Spanish is properly known

Portuguese: Spoken in Portugal, some African countries, some of Japan and all of Brasil, very easy to learn but less important than Spanish


Russian: It is the English language of the Russian Ex-Federation countries, but It is HARD and requires much more time than the others, also English is still learnt by Russians so it loses importance


German: French\English are also spoken in the coutnries where German is a second\third language, only learn if you go living in Germany

Italian: Only spoken in Italy for real, least important true neo-latin language to learn but has the richest vocabulary out of them

Arabic: Spoken in all Arabian countries which are many so C-Tier for that, but extremely dififcult to learn as non-native

Indian (and variations):

Everybody speaks Englsih in India, C-Tier because second spoken in the world as native langauge, otherwise don't bother


Korean\Japanese: very hard and totally pointless regarding business as English is spreading in Korea\Japan, only learn if interested in living there, only spoken in respective countries


Chinese: Once an estimable language (Ancient China history was full of beacons and erudites), today is the de-facto oppressors language, in China business people use English, don't even bother

That's it.

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Go fuck yourself retard

English is the shittiest fucking language in human history. It is literally just the mulatto bastard of better languages. No one who new a sentence in any other language would call English's monstrous grammar "logical". What a horrible post.

Literary English:

O, out of you, pundit gazop, feleford dead bracylogy.

Modern English:

Shut the fuck up, curry masala.

Literary English:

Neither calenture neither mettle lieing towards will halcyon thyne yellow asthenia.

Normal English:

Burn some more, sick fuck.

>bring russian to A tire because it sounds kino but it sucks to learn it so not S tier
>japanese/korean up one tier for the same reason
>italian down by one tier at least, won't bother to explain why
>english B tier, it sounds bad, it's grammatical and pronunciation rules make literally no sense, used only for communication until we find a better alternative

English is very practical and easy to learn, can you imagine if you had to learn Cantonese or some other exotic language to communicate globally? I wouldn't rate it that high though, I'd place rate it B

La classifica è secondo il mio punto di vista logico, le "S-Tier" sono le più diffuse e più abbordabili, le altre sono catalogate in base innanzi tutto in relazione all'utilità effettiva al mondo, la diffusione è secondaria (per dire, Indiano è più parlato di Russo ma Russo è molto più importante a livello mondiale essendo geograficamente molto più diffuso)

Secondo me il nostro Italiano può benissimo rimanere in C-Tier per una ragione importantissima: ha il vocabolario più vasto di tutte le altre lingue, quindi può aiutare tantissimo retroattivamente nell'imparare nuovi termini nelle precedentemente apprese lingue neo-latine.

Se hai dei punti a favore delle tue proprie opinioni scrivile pure (casomai in Inglese)

cringe, kys

America became what it is thansk to how approachable English language is to Neo-Latin people, you not even know the history of your country, go back simpin on Twitch (100% you wouldn't even know which is the proper English term for "Simping" as I do)

>Everybody speaks Englsih in India
based retard

Porem o feito è que no aprendimento do Ingles è praticamente uma fortitud pra o aprendidor debido que isso è falado en qualquier logar do mundo, isso è extremamente functiona para todos que quierem isso perusar.


That is why we Italians and Austrian cannot mingle together easily methinks, the foul air on the Austrian tomans (hillocks\mountains peaks) dementalizes the weaklings from there.






>has the richest vocabulary out of them
you proved yourself to be a moron beyond any doubt many times but i stopped reading here


french is completely bullshit language
makes no sens

I can write you a florilegy in Ancient English language if I want, fool. You are writing to an exception among alexiterians that are not even adept at speaking (or even understanding) their own languages and rely exclusively on local idioms.

Statistics are pointless, when you judge a single entity regarding his\her own competences, you do not judge him\her related to what the others do.

Avez vous aucun donnèe en seconder ce censiment personél ou ce est juste une injure au depit?

I would recommend to play games in French, it helps a lot, I play GBA roms in French (text rich games like Yu-Gi-Oh Ultimate 2006 and JRPG\Strategy RPG games) and it helped me improving my vocabulary and grammar a lot (still tilted on grammar because I barely use it but now I understand 95% of the words I find instead of just,let us say, around 50% as before).

bro, i bet you if you played a game in romanian you would understand some of it
we romanians understand at least 50% of the italian language
meanwhile french.. what the fuck is going on? first their pronunciation is just scuffed , then their vocabulary is jsut like, where did it come from

yeah, okay.....

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