Firstie countries look so perfect as if physics doesn't work there - buildings never get dirty...

Firstie countries look so perfect as if physics doesn't work there - buildings never get dirty, roads never have potholes, grass is always green

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Great raves, I was on A State of Trance there

that's just the effect of maintenance every 5 years and washing every week instead of maintenance every 20 years and washing 5 times a year in secondie countries

>washing 5 times a year

It my town they powerwashed one commieblock once and never again. Even though it gave great results (the block looked as if it was freshly repainted) they gave up on it, I don't know why but I guess because the cost was too high for what aesthetics is worth in this country (nothing)

could you please end yourself? Google street view incel?

its a tough balancing act
switzerland is the epitome of a firstie country, but it totally lacks sovl
i think its because everything is so extremely perfect, that it becomes dehumanizingly perfect
which probably explains why swiss people are some of the most depressed and suicidal in europe
an interesting balance needs to exist

Look up West Virginia that place is a hole

Switzerland doesn't look as good as the Netherlands desu.

>every 20 years and washing 5 times a year in secondie countries
think about what happens in the 3rd world

I'm a thirdie but here where I live now they have completely re-paved the road I live next to 2 times. And the apartment building I live next to was painted 3 times already.

Switzerland is literally a Thomas Kinkade painting and I mean that in the worst possible way

which cities

f*nland is eternally grey

Looks completely soulless

I love NL but the issue is that we have too many thirdies and even the houses on that picture are sold for half a million euro. Boomers grew up in a paradise here.

It always strikes me how even "ghettos" in firstie countries look just perfect, everything is well maintained, houses are periodically repainted and cleaned, grass is cut, sidewalks are repaved etc. Sure, there is graffiti or trash in the streets sometimes before the cleaning service comes but it doesn't really make the place look bad at all. When firsties post their ghettos and supposedly worst neighborhoods here I always think they look better than what we consider decent places here.

Huntington is a good one

>the houses on that picture are sold for half a million euro

And here a house like that would cost half a million euro as well just because the neighborhood is well maintained. Except our wages are 4x lower than yours.

firsties dont suffer and its a fact

>Firstie countries look so perfect as if physics doesn't work there - buildings never get dirty, roads never have potholes, grass is always green
Except the 6 months of winter here.

Attached: winter.jpg (2951x2212, 3.07M)

Could you just please kys?

still all the buildings on the left being freshly renovated, repainted, without black stripes of dirt make the overall picture look much nicer than it looks in secondie countries in the winter (blessed thirdies at least don't have winter)

ngl I love Sweden in the winter, back when I used to visit on winter break I'd just stay with my Swedish aunt.