Go on vacation to Spain

>go on vacation to Spain
>Can't stop farting
The fuck do you guys put in the food?

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Americans seem to have this same problem with our food

I only fart when I eat legumes.
Have you eaten cocido, lentejas or judías?

Obviously with your shit, Paco. Burns like a bitch coming out too

Lentejas yeah

It's their bodies being unable to digest real food

American energy this post

The introduction of fiber to one's diet

based frenchbro.

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wypipo be like
>this food be too gassy

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Well there you have it.
It's good for your intestine flora so don't mind it too much

What do your farts smell like?

Not to people who eat it regularly like us. My theory is that they eat to much of one thing; whereas most Mexicans know the portions of beans and peppers their stomachs can handle.

Not that bad at least. Still loud though

post your face when you found out latinxs have hairy asses to silence their farts

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You can just use a plug user.

Every race has hair on their ass, you get it in puberty. You just have low T.

i've been in enough gym showers to know asians, blacks, and some nordoids don't

>hairy asses to silence their farts
This unironically works. After I shave my ass, sometimes it even hurts a bit to fart sitting down

I'd probably balloon up then from how much gas would be in me

Good point.
You can use beads to fill it up then.

Pretty gay m8

Stop your psyop, its in tha crack retard


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